Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Morning Madness #22: I Put the "Pro" in Procrastination!

I have a slight problem with procrastinating! Does anybody else having this problem? I keep putting off my fiction writing; I mostly complain that I don't have enough time to write, when I have plenty of time. It only takes five minutes here and five minutes there to begin a short story or novel.

I received Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers in the mail on Friday and I'm about half way through it. The stories are written by writers (bestsellers and newbies) & even bloggers. The forty-four stories I have read so far have really lifted my spirits and have given me new encouragement to begin a daily writing routine, even it if is only fifteen minutes. Blogging and writing reviews doesn't count!

My plan is to start my daily routine today!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Review - Though My Heart Is Torn

Though My Heart Is Torn
The Cadence of Grace, Book 2
By Joanne Bischof
Publisher: Multnomah Books
Pub. Date: April 2, 2013
Pages: 352


I do enjoy a good historical novel, which is one of the many reasons I wanted to review Though My Heart is Torn by Joanne Bischof, which I received free of charge in exchange for my honest review. I did miss out on reading the first book, Be Still My Soul, in The Cadence of Grace series, but I thought I would give the book a try.

Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the early 1900s, Lonnie has finally found the happiness she has always dreamed about with her bluegrass musician husband, Gideon O'Riley. Her love for the Lord has finally caught a hold of Gideon. Everything seems to be going great until they are forced to return to Rocky Knob, where Cassy Allan claims to be Gideon's rightful wife.

As Gideon's past mistakes come to light, Lonnie must continue to have faith in God if she wants to save her marriage.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Book Blogger Hop: July 5th - 11th

Welcome to the new Book Blogger Hop!

Grab the Button!

If you want schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

What to do:

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

This week's question submitted by Elizabeth.

Do you like or dislike Rafflecopter and why?

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in removal of your link).

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new follower.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

My Answer:
I like using Rafflecopter for all my giveaways because you can easily add a "like" Facebook page and follow someones twitter. Plus, it will randomly pick a winner for you.

Linky List:

Thursday, July 4, 2013

DVD Review - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series

It doesn't seem like it has been twenty years since the Power Rangers were first on television, but the franchise will officially turn 20 this September. Over the last six months, I have had the chance to review several of the Samurai DVD titles from Lionsgate. I guess you can say I got in the mood for more Power Rangers, so I ended up buying the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series a few months back. Yes, I do realize the seasons' volumes have been slowly coming out on DVD, but I was interested in the two bonus discs that only come with the complete series.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Look What Came in the Mail: Nutrisystem 5-Day Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Kit

I have seen the Nutrisystem commercials on television numerous times and I've always been curious if the program actually worked. Before, the only way to try out the program was by calling or going to the website, but that has now changed as you can buy the Nutrisystem 5-Day Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Kit at your local Walmart at $44.95, which is less than $9 a day! The kit is meant to help jumpstart your weight loss journey.

As many of my readers already know, I have been trying to get myself into shape this year, but the road has been a rocky one. Since I started a new workout program this week, I thought it would be a good time for me to try the 5-Day Kit. My first thought was to start the program today, but with tomorrow being the 4th I thought it would be best if I start it on Friday.

The kit is jam-packed with fifteen entries and five desserts.

DVD Review - The Smurfs: Smurftastic Journey

The Smurfs: Smurftastic Journey
Voices: Various
Studio: Warner Bros. Home Video
Release Date: October 15, 2013
Running Time: 78 minutes
Rating: Not Rated


Yes, the little blue Smurfs will be appearing on the big screen this summer in the sequel to the silly 2011 film. Warner Bros. is taking advantage of the new movie by releasing the classic the 1980's The Smurf cartoon series on  two new DVDs, Smurfs to the Rescue (out July 16th) and Smurftastic Journey. The latter is supposed to be released on October 15th, but I ran across it while I was browsing through the five dollar DVD bin at Walmart. I'm a big of the Smurfs, so I had to buy it.

The episodes on the release are:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Trance Blu-Ray Giveaway

From ACADEMY AWARD®-Winning director Danny Boyle* (Slumdog Millionaire) comes an “exhilarating brain-twister” (New York Post)! After a blow to the head during his attempted robbery of a $27 million Goya painting, Simon (James McAvoy, X-Men: First Class), a fine-art auctioneer, awakens to find that the painting – and his memory – are missing. Forced by his ruthless crime partner Franck (Vincent Cassel, Black Swan) to undergo hypnosis, Simon enters into a deadly love triangle with his seductive hypnotist (Rosario Dawson, Sin City). As the plot twists, the line between reality and dream becomes blurred in this fast-paced, unpredictable, “sexy and suspenseful” (Empire) thriller.

Danny Boyle’s Most Memorable Movie Moments

  Debuting on Blu-ray & DVD July 23 DigitalHD July 2

Through his position as director, producer, and writer for a variety of films in different genres, Danny Boyle has proven his versatility and become a well-known name in the entertainment industry. Among the many awards that Boyle has received is an Academy Award for Best Director in 2008 for Slumdog Millionaire. In 2012, Boyle was the artistic director for the Summer Olympics opening ceremony. He has certainly brought us many memorable moments in movie history. Take a look as we dive further into his filmography.

From ACADEMY AWARD®-Winning director Danny Boyle* (Slumdog Millionaire) comes an “exhilarating brain-twister” (New York Post)! After a blow to the head during his attempted robbery of a $27 million Goya painting, Simon (James McAvoy, X-Men: First Class), a fine-art auctioneer, awakens to find that the painting – and his memory – are missing. Forced by his ruthless crime partner Franck (Vincent Cassel, Black Swan) to undergo hypnosis, Simon enters into a deadly love triangle with his seductive hypnotist (Rosario Dawson, Sin City). As the plot twists, the line between reality and dream becomes blurred in this fast-paced, unpredictable, “sexy and suspenseful” (Empire) thriller.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Revolt July Uprising Week #1

Yep, I'm joining the Revolt uprising again. I was one the bloggers who tried the fitness program earlier this year, but I couldn't participate in the program for the past two months because a family emergency. There have been many trials for me over the course of those months resulting in a little weight gain and a bit of depression.

I've started to bounce back by keeping myself busy by reading a few books and working on some writing projects. To get myself back in shape, I've rejoined the Revolt Fitness Program, which is created by Nichole Huntsman.

I didn't exactly want to exercise this morning, so it took me a little while to talk myself into it. Eventually, I dragged out the a kettlebell and a stability ball, pulled the recliner out of the way, and went to for today's workout, which was Cardio: Guts & Butts Circuit. I couldn't get the video to work at first because I needed to update the java and flash in my browser. Once everything was ready, I began the workout. When I think of cardio, I think of running and kickboxing, but not with this workout as there were mostly squats. Normally, I would love doing squats, but since I have been a couch potato for several weeks, the squats were a drag, but I know I'll see results fairly quickly from the routine.

Monday Morning Madness #21: Reboots Take Time

Last week certainly went by like a flash! Actually, the whole month of June flew by too fast. My plans of reading a few Harlequin books didn't happen, though I do plan on crash coursing myself on the genre this month. Instead I'm reading a zombie romance anthology, mostly because I'm brainstorming on my own zombie romance story. So far I've been a complete dead brain, but hopefully a creative spark will occur.

I spent most of my free time editing through a short story authored by myself and four other writers. Though the story is just over five thousand words, it wasn't an easy task as all of us have our own style of writing. Nevertheless, I like the final version of the story, which I sent it into an upcoming anthology. Cross your fingers that it'll get into it!