It's nearly midnight, and with nothing else to do, I thought I would write a short rambling, which is more or less an update on my weight loss journey. Well, thanks to many setbacks this year that I won't list here, I am currently back at square one. I haven't gained any weight over the last few months, but I haven't lost any weight either. I'm bouncing back and forth from 218 to 222. My diet is mostly healthy, minus the occasional diet soda, so that's not the problem. My main issue is finding the motivation to exercise, which I have been lacking. In the past, when I had exercised 30 minutes to an hour for 6 to 7 days a week, I dropped the pounds quickly, but I get distracted and fall off course. And jumping back into exercising isn't an easy thing to do. However, it's something that I'm going to have to force myself to do in the early mornings.