Friday, July 16, 2021

Benefits Of High-Speed Internet

There are many benefits of high-speed Internet, with the key benefit being in its name. High speed is what Americans want in their broadband and Internet services. The speed is not just for entertainment purposes. One survey indicates that 4 in 10 consumers will leave a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Amazon alone could lose $1.6 billion with one second down of Internet. Achieving benefits like this is the goal of providers bringing high-speed Internet service to Lehigh Valley and elsewhere. Learn about additional benefits here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

[Review] - Goosebumps SlappyWorld: Fifth-Grade Zombies by R.L. Stine

I've never been hush about my love for Goosebumps. Yes, I'm a soon-to-be 40-year-old who still collects middle-grade books, and I'm proud of it. I still remember finding the original two books Welcome to Dead House and Stay Out of the Basement at a small Walmart in the summer of 1992. Back then, I was a few weeks shy from officially becoming a fifth-grader, and my 11th birthday was just around the corner. I don't know what attracted me to the books more, the creepy covers or the author's name - R.L. Stine. If my memory serves me correctly, I was already reading Fear Streets novels before Goosebumps, so the name R.L. Stine was already a permanent fixture in my young mind. By the time school rolled around in late August, I quickly learned I wasn't the only Goosebumps fan in my class. It seems every middle-schooler read these books to death in the '90s, and I guess kids still read the original 62 Goosebumps books, which would explain why Scholastic has continued to published new editions with new covers.

Monday, July 12, 2021

{Monday Morning Madness} - Book Blogger Hop, Reviews, and The Midnight Horror

How is everyone doing on this rainy Monday? Yes, I said rainy! If you live in the midwest, like me, you know it has been a rainy summer. I planned on mowing the yard today, but that's not going to be happening. It rained just enough in the early morning hours to ruin my day. According to the local news, Tuesday will be cloud-free with warmer temperatures. Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow? Lol!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

{Sunday Post} - Fifth-Grade Zombies and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

Good Morning, Everyone! 


Air Conditioning is a Necessity 

I planned to have this post written on Saturday afternoon, but I crashed and burned before 7 PM. Why? I've had a couple of all-nighters this past week. And, no, I'm not referring to binge drinking. I'm not a big drinker, to begin with, so that could never be the cause for going days without sleep. What it comes down to is I have had a bit too much on my plate, and I had to forgo sleep in exchange for getting a few neglected things done. I attempted to rest on Friday night, but lo and behold, the air conditioner died and made getting some shuteye nearly impossible. Of course, finding a technician on a Saturday morning took forever and costed extra. The fan motor and capacitor were kaput. By 1 PM, the air conditioner was running smoothly again.  

Saturday, July 10, 2021

[DVD Review] - Ancient Aliens: Season 13

Have you ever channel surfed and come across the fictionalized documentary series Ancient Aliens on History?

I don't want to admit to this, but I have watched a few episodes of Ancient Aliens over the years. Some unique individuals believe in every alternate history conspiracy theory that these so-called Ancient Alien experts concocted. I, for one, don't believe 90% of what they consider is the truth. I only watched this fake documentary series out of my nostalgia for The X-Files and pure boredom.  

Friday, July 9, 2021

{Book Blogger Hop} - Posting Reviews

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop!

If you want to schedule next week's post in advance, click here for future prompts. To submit a prompt, please fill out this form


The Book Blogger Hop now has its own Facebook Group! Please join the group to get all the newest Book Blogger Hop updates and communicate with other book bloggers.

What To Do

1. Post an answer for the prompt. 


Where do you post your reviews?

This week's prompt was submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews.

2. Enter your Name/Nickname @ Blog Name and the direct URL to your post answering this week’s question linky list widget. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer


3. Please visit other blogs on the list and leave a comment on their BBH post.

{The Friday 56} - Goosebumps SlappyWorld: Fifth-Grade Zombies


Grab a book, any book.
Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it).
Post it.
 Add your (URL) post below in the Linky at:
Add the post URL, not your blog URL.