Monday, July 12, 2021

{Monday Morning Madness} - Book Blogger Hop, Reviews, and The Midnight Horror

How is everyone doing on this rainy Monday? Yes, I said rainy! If you live in the midwest, like me, you know it has been a rainy summer. I planned on mowing the yard today, but that's not going to be happening. It rained just enough in the early morning hours to ruin my day. According to the local news, Tuesday will be cloud-free with warmer temperatures. Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow? Lol!

Speaking of changing plans, I didn't have time to read yesterday. I spent most of the day making prompt images for the Book Blogger Hop (aka the weekly bookish meme that I host every Friday). 2021 hasn't been a good year for me due to many reasons that I won't talk about in this post. My passion for writing and blogging had vanished until I had an epiphany that put me back in the right direction. My original plans for Sunday included reading Goosebumps SlappyWorld: Fifth-Grade Zombies and possibly starting Once Upon A Time in Hollywood (the novelization, not the film). However, I decided to focus my full attention on the Book Blogger Hop, in which I managed to create all the prompt images for the rest of the year and for January 2022. 

After watching another silly episode of Legends of Tomorrow, I went directly to bed. I slept well until a roar of thunder woke me up at 2:45. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I read twelve chapters of the Goosebumps book. I thought it was a bit too early for coffee, so I grabbed a can of Dr. Pepper Zero and watched the 4th episode of Leverage: Redemption on Amazon. After eating grits for breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee, I attempted to set up this post, but then it occurred to me how much I disliked the Monday Morning Madness banner. So, I spent the morning on Canva creating a new one.

More reviews, articles, and ramblings are coming soon, all starting with this post. There's a stack of books on my desk, and I need to write reviews for them. Most of them are Christian fictions that I received through review programs, and, sadly, I never got around to writing the actual reviews. No, more procrastinating for me. I will reread these books and post the reviews before Sept. 1st.

Why September?

I'll be posting my long-awaited reviews for all of Ian Fleming's James Bond books. I was going to post reviews for all fourteen 007 titles in the Fall of 2019 to tie in with the theatrical release of No Time to Die. Then the film got moved to early 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and everything else is history. No Time to Die's new release date in the United States is October 8th. Starting on September 24th, I'll post one 007 review per day until the film's release.

I have no clue what I'm doing with The Midnight Horror (formerly titled The Midnight Horror Review) posts. I thought about creating a separate blog with the title but decided against it. Managing one blog is stressful enough. I don't need another one. Since I already post DVD and Blu-ray reviews here, there's no reason for me to label horror movies under a different label. All future Midnight Horror posts will be horror-themed articles/ramblings written exclusively by me.

Besides everything I already discussed, other books I'll be writing reviews for shortly are The Amityville II by John G. Jones, The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis, and Bring Me Back by B. A. Paris. I'll be posting a review for the horror flick Jakob's Wife on July 20th. I watched a digital screener the other night, but I'm not allowed to post a review yet due to an embargo set by the studio. Once I finish watching all of the Blu-rays in The Eurocrpt of Christopher Lee Collection, I'll write a review on it. I might review each film separately or write a Midnight Horror article about them.


  1. My passion for blogging waned a bit too earlier this year. It comes and goes. I'm looking forward to 007 content!

    1. For me, I've had other things constantly on my mind, and blogging didn't seem that important to me. The same goes for reading. Whatever writer's block or mental block that I had seems to be gone now.

      Casino Royale is the only 007 review I have written. I'll have to reread the other books before I write the reviews for them to refresh my memory. The books are short, so it shouldn't be a problem for me.

  2. When you're worried about other things, it's difficult to focus on writing and reading. I got through my mental block, but it took me forever to do so. Writing shouldn't be stressful. Instead, it should be a stress reliever. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.


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