Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday Post / It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @  Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by The Book Date.

Good Evening, Everyone!

I would like to thank everyone for their encouraging comments last week!!! Probably many of you spent the weekend watching the Avengers Endgame movie that made over $1.2 billion. I'm a Marvel fan, but I'll see the movie only if it plays at the one-screen theater in my hometown. I'm guessing it won't be playing there until at least the middle of May. It's been storming all afternoon and I've been bored to death. At least I have the American Gods finale and 85-minute Game of Thrones episode to look forward to tonight.

What Am I Currently Reading?

Thanks to my allergies (eyes watering and headaches), I had a bit of trouble trying to read last week, so I'm still reading The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis, which I'm hoping I can finish it sometime on Monday. Next, I'm going to be reading N0S4A2 by Joe Hill that I had just checked out at the library yesterday. The television series based on the book will debut on AMC this summer.


  Recent Reviews

Goosebumps SlappyWorld: I'm Alive! I'm Alive!
(Spring Reads)

Hard Ticket To Hawaii
(Blu-ray Review)

The Hole in the Ground
(Midnight Horror Review)

Pet Sematary

In the Mail

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Midnight Horror Review: The Hole in the Ground

Rated R; $19.98; Amazon
There are not very many horror movies that can actually give me the hibbie jibbies. Sure, last year's A Quite Place and the Halloween reboot sequel were scary fun, but I was never once on the edge of my seat. However, that wasn't the case with the supernatural psychology The Hole in the Ground, which will land on DVD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment on April 30th! My expectations are always pretty low for horror films that I've never heard of before, so I was pleasantly surprised to learn the movie is truly frightening!

Directed and co-written by Lee Cronin, the 90-minute movie centers around Sarah O'Neill (played brilliantly by Seána Kerslake), a young woman who flees from her abusive husband to the Irish countryside along with her young son Chris (played by James Quinn Markey). Upon arriving at their new home, Chris disappears during the night and later reappears perfectly fine. Or is he?

After an odd encounter with their neighbors,Des and Noreen Brady (played by James Cosmo and Kati Outinen), Sarah starts to wonder if there's something not quire with her son, who isn't quite acting like himself. She fears something else from the beyond has replaced Chris. Scared for her life, Sarah is determined to learn the truth, which is somehow connected to the huge sinkhole located in the forest near their home.

Final Thoughts

Friday, April 26, 2019

Book Blogger Hop: April 26th - May 2nd

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop! 

If you want to schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

The Book Blogger Hop now has its own Facebook Group! Please join the group to get all the newest Book Blogger Hop updates. Also, you can communicate with your fellow book bloggers in the group.

What To Do

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

This week's question is submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer.

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below. Please enter your Name/Nickname @ Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading a few posts and possible become a new follower. The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Review - Pet Sematary by Stephen King

It's been quite a long time since I've reread a book! And I'm not referring to a "need-to-review" book because I have had to reread quite a few of those; mostly due to the fact that it took me so long to write my reviews, so rereading was a way to refresh my mind. Instead, I'm referring to my favorite reads that I've always wanted to reread but have never had the time to do so.

A few weeks ago, the remake of 1989's Pet Sematary arrived in theatres. I haven't seen the movie yet, as I'll probably just wait until it's released on DVD or Blu-ray. The movie's release got me in the mood to reread the original 1983 novel by Stephen King; which in my opinion is the author's scariest work.

The novel centers on Louis Creed, his wife Rachel, their five-year-old (or is it six?) daughter Ellie, and their two-year-old son Gage moving from Chicago to Ludlow, Maine. Louis has a taken a director position at the small University of Maine's campus medical center. They'd purchased an older house a little bit outside of town, and their only closest neighbor is an elderly couple, Jud Crandall and his ailing wife, Norma.

Upon arriving, Jud warns Louis that his children should stay clear of the highway, which is located right in front of their house, as many animals (and pets) have died trying to walk across it. Many of the animals are buried behind the Creed's home in what has been dubbed the Pet Sematary, a place where devastated children have buried their deceased pets.

Sadly, Ellie's cat, Church, meets his doom on the highway. This is when Jud tells Louis there's a way to bring Church back from the dead. The old man takes Louis beyond the Pet Sematary to an ancient Miꞌkmaq Tribe burial ground, where anything buried there will be brought back to life. Louis buries Church and the very next day the cat returns to life. While the cat might have a bad odor and acts a little odd, Church is still Church!

The family was just starting to adjust to their new home then the unthinkable occurs  - Gage is killed by a speeding truck!!!

After the funeral, Louis sends Rachel and Ellie to stay with his in-laws in Chicago. He tells them he will join them once the campus gets a replacement for him at the medical center. However, Louis has another agenda - he's going to bury Gage's corpse in the burial ground!!!

This is a Stephen King story, so you can probably guess the story gets really scary and bloody!!!

Final Thoughts

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Blu-ray Review: Hard Ticket To Hawaii

Mill Creek Entertainment; Amazon
For those of you who actually follow this blog, then you would know I had reviewed Malibu Express Blu-ray last week; which was the first movie in the "Bullets, Bombs and Babes" series from the late director Andy Sidaris. The second entry, Hard Ticket To Hawaii, was released to theatres in 1987 and it landed on Blu-ray (R; $19.98; 96 minutes) for the first time last week from Mill Creek Entertainment.

Unlike the first film in the franchise, Hard Ticket To Hawaii is a James Bond meets Rambo spoof, but instead of a male lead, here we get two female heroines - Donna and Taryn (played by Playboy Playmates Dona Speir and Hope Marie Carlton), who are undercover agents for "The Agency."

The main plot involves Donna and Taryn teaming up with  Rowdy Abilene and his pal, Jade (played by Ronn Moss and Harold Diamond) to stop a drug lord and his henchmen from smuggling diamonds into Hawaii. And then there's the whole subplot about the giant rubber snake that gets loose and wrecks havoc. (Yes, that actually happens!)

Blu-ray Special Features include:
  • Introduction by Director Andy Sidaris
  • Audio Commentary
  • Behind the Scenes Featurette
  • Trailers

Final Thoughts

Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Reads: Goosebumps SlappyWorld: It's Alive! It's Alive!

$7.99; B&N; Amazon
In the late summer of 1992, I recall browsing through the book section at a extremely small Walmart. It was there that I stumbled upon the first Goosebumps book (Welcome to Dead House) by R.L. Stine and I was instantly hooked. Fast forward to 2019, where I'm a lot older, but still a diehard Goosebumps fan!!

If you weren't already aware, the Goosebumps franchise is still going today with the latest spinoff "SlappyWorld," which features the #1 Goosebumps villain Slappy as the host of each installment. The 7th title in the series It's Alive! It's Alive! was released to bookstores in February by Scholastic.

The book centers around Livvy Jones, a young girl who's excited about participating in the Springdale Robots Meet, which is a Robotic competition. She has teamed up with her best friend, Gates Warwas, and between the two of them, they have created a life size robot, Francine, that has been programmed with the greatest abilities imaginable - cracking eggs and cooking an omelette!

Sounds exiting, right?

It's at least exciting for Livvy and Gates; well, until their robot goes berserk and attempts to do harm to the other robots on their team. Thanks goodness Livvy's parents are computer programmers and experts in artificial intelligence, as they can help reprogram the robot.

However, Francine continues to malfunction. Does the robot have a mind of its own?

Final Thoughts



Thinking of “To be or not to be?”

Are you perplexed about adorning a nice time piece on your wrist? You think people will judge you for being old school, old fashioned and out dated. Or perhaps the technology advancement has eradicated the need to wear a wrist watch just because you own a smart phone.

But isn’t it impolite to keep checking out your phone while in a conversation with someone, or at a party where all of your focus should be among the folks present or even at a meeting where there are high professionals present and you need to know what time is it, now would it not be unprofessional as well as indecorous to take out your phone just to check the time and get noticed. Yes you heard us right, all we mean to say is- not always everything thing can be suitably used everywhere. Classics will always remain classics.

Their elegance and opulence will continue to admire and impress people simultaneously. So here in this article we bring some radical and imperative reasons to convince you to start wearing a timepiece again. Have a look!




Unlike women, men have a very few and almost inconsiderable choices when it comes to accessorizing oneself. Women on the other hand, can mix and match a plethora of ornaments to come out triumphant in creating a catchy look. Whereas, men miserably fail to do so due to the lack of choices.

One of the scanty numbers of ornaments men can accessorize themselves with is wearing a wrist watch. Be it a sports watch or a formal timepiece like Cartier tank, it is advisable to put it on to bring some classiness and drama to your persona. A watch is a timeless and functional accessory that can make or break a man’s personality big time.


Whether you work in the corporate world where you are required to dress up formally or your job gives the leverage to dress down a little, you will need to tell the time anyway. Just like we stated earlier, having a watch on your wrist is far a subtle way to check the time rather than pulling out your phone in a gathering of numerous highly qualified professionals.


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sunday Post / It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @  Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by The Book Date.

Happy Easter, Everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well on this Easter morning!!!! I'm doing alright today; though I have been battling a bit of depression that suddenly crept back into my life last month; resulting in many difficult days where I could barely get out bed and function. Don't worry, I'm trying my best to deal with it.

If anyone has noticed, I didn't participate in last week's Sunday Post and It's Monday! What Are You Readng?. Well, I do have a good excuse. I spent most of last weekend binge watching the ninth season of Shameless on Showtime On Demand. I had watched the previous seasons on Netflix last year. Showtime was having a free "Watchathon" for a few days, so I watched the latest season of Shameless. Plus, I was busy last Sunday night watching American Gods and Game of Thrones.

What Am I Currently Reading?

Next, I'll probably be reading The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis, which arrived in the mail a few days ago. From the blurb, I'm taking a guess that it's a standalone novel. I'm also planning on reading the eBook "Dying for Devil's Food" by Jenn McKinlay.


  Recent Reviews

Malibu Express
(Blu-ray Review)

Apocalypse 4 in 1 Collection
(Midnight Horror Review)

The Memory House
(Spring Reads)

In the Mail

Friday, April 19, 2019

Book Blogger Hop: April 19th - 25th

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop! 

If you want to schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

The Book Blogger Hop now has its own Facebook Group! Please join the group to get all the newest Book Blogger Hop updates. Also, you can communicate with your fellow book bloggers in the group.

What To Do

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

This week's question is submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Review.

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below. Please enter your Name/Nickname @ Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading a few posts and possible become a new follower. The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

The Friday 56: The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis


Grab a book, any book.
Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it).
Post it.
 Add your (url) post below in the Linky at:
Add the post url, not your blog url.

They'd always appreciated his jovial spirit.

page 56, The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis

  My Thoughts