Monday, November 5, 2018

Monday Morning Madness: November 5, 2018

I barely made it through last week. Between Halloween and dealing with my grandma's issues, I am extremely stressed! Actually, my grandma's dementia has been my #1 problem this year. She's 77 and lives in an apartment that is in a small senior community. For the last six months, she has refused to leave her apartment. Well, until my mother and me practically dragged her to the doctor's office last week. (Don't worry we didn't actually drag her.) We thought the doctor might put her in the hospital or recommend putting her in a nursing home, but all he did was take one medication away that he thought was interfering with a new antidepressant. If this doesn't work, the doctor said he would try other medications, which is probably what's going to happen.

For the past few weeks, either my mom or me have been taking my grandmother's meals to her, as she refuses to cook anything for herself. While she does have dementia, she's capable of doing some things if she wants to, but that's the main problem, she doesn't want to do anything. She has suffered from depression most of her life and it has gotten worse since her older brother died this year. 

I'm sick of tired that my mother and me are the only two people in my family who will help my grandma. I have two aunts, one uncle (who is worthless), and several "adult" cousins that will do nothing. Now, an aunt and two cousins do live far away, but the rest are just lazy! They won't send cards to my grandmother, not even for her birthday or Mother's Day. Her son (who I refuse to my call "uncle") hasn't visited her in years.

Thanksgiving is less than three weeks away and my grandma has already said she isn't going to the family dinner, which will only consist of my parents, my dad's brother, my maternal aunt, her husband, and their three young kids, and myself. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to the holidays this year. I'm actually dreading it.

Blogging News

Using Today’s Technology

Audiences today are becoming more and more discerning, as the world of media grows ever more fast-paced and sophisticated. While in years past it was enough for a speaker to get up to a lecture and go through a rote “point and click” slide show in order to engage a crowd, today’s audiences are demanding much more. Time is precious to today’s professionals, and no one wants to sit through a boring talk that offers little more information that can be gleaned by going through a book or magazine article. All of this is why event planning companies nyc and other major cities are becoming the go-to businesses for those who want to create an event that has major impact. 

Using Today’s Technology

Advances in digital technology have made it possible for savvy event companies to produce major shows that communicate a message in a big way. With lights, sound, video and virtual settings, today’s events have the impact of a major motion picture, which goes a long way towards selling an idea or a product to an audience. It’s possible to make a major event that truly engages a crowd on many levels, and leaves them wanting more.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sunday Post: November 4, 2018

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @  Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

Good Morning, Everyone!

 My Current Reads

I'm a few days behind in my reading schedule. I just finished reading Her Fear by Shelley Shepard Gray early this morning and I'll be posting my review for it this afternoon.

Originally, I was going to start reading Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2: The Axe Will Fall by C.A. Verstraete on my Kindle on Friday, but I didn't get around to it, so hopefully I will find time to read it today. 

I'll be probably be speed reading 18 Wheels of Science Fiction anthology tomorrow, so I can post my review for it on Tuesday.

Later in the week, I'll be reading Robert B. Parker's Colorblind by Reed Farrel Coleman, which I have had an ARC copy for awhile now. It's a non-requested title that was sent to me earlier this year.


Well, I'm a little further along with the American Mirror: The Life and Art of Norman Rockwell. As of today I am on page 50 (AKA - Chapter Four).

In The Mail


I've been a big Stephen King fan ever since I first read The Shining when I was a teenager, so naturally I excited about last week's release of Elevation, which isn't the typical 500+ page epic, but instead it's only a 146 page novella.

Money is a little tight for me right now, especially with Christmas just around the corner, so I'll probably won't be buying to many new titles until January. Luckily for me, Scribner sent me a review copy, which arrived in the mail on Friday afternoon. 

Since Elevation is such a short read, I'll probably read the book in the next few days. Or I might even read it today because I really, really want to read it!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Book Blogger Hop: November 2nd - 8th

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Welcome to the new Book Blogger Hop!

If you want schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

What to do:

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

  This week's question is submitted by Danielle @ PoetryBooksYA.

Do you do collaborations with brands or other bloggers? Which collaboration was your favorite and why?

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in removal of your link).

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new follower.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

My Answer:

I do work with authors, publishers, studios, and PR companies for reviews on this blog. I don't have a favorite collaboration.

Linky List:

Fall Reads: The Mark Of The Raven

Bethany House; 348 pages; Amazon
Considering the fact I am a big Game of Thrones fan, I have only read a handful of fantasy novels. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the genre. It's just there aren't too many standalone fantasies and most of them are part of a series, which is just something I just don't have time for these days.

As you can probably guess, I wasn't planning on reading a new fantasy novel, but that's exactly what I've been up to for the last two days - reading the soon-to-be-released "Mark Of The Raven" by Morgan L. Busse.

Mark Of The Raven is the first book in the all-new Ravenwood Saga series. It centers Lady Selene, a young woman who is the heir to the House of Ravenwood. Just like her mother, Lady Ragna, she is a dreamwalker, which is someone who has the ability to enter a person's dream and use their fears & desires to manipulate them. While her mother considers dreamwalking a gift, Selene considers it somewhat of a curse.

In the dreamworld, Selene turns herself into a raven, so her unexpected victims won't recognize her. The more time she spends there, the more she learns about Ravenwood's dark secrets. Secrets that could destroy her family's legacy forever.

After being assigned to assassinate Damien, a man who could possibly bring peace to the nations, Selene must make the decision to stay loyal to her family or rebel against them. 

The Friday 56: Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2: The Axe Fall

  • Grab a book, any book.
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
  • Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it).
  • Post it.
  •  Add your (url) post below in the Linky at:
  • Add the post url, not your blog url.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

13 Days of Halloween: HALLOWEEN: A Fan's Retrospective

While most kids were watching cartoons in 1988, I was a seven-year-old sitting in the floor directly in front of my grandparent's old television set watching Jamie Lee Curtis being stalked by a psychopath wearing a William Shatner mask. 

Yeah, you shouldn't let a seven-year-old watch a slasher film, but my grandmother did. Thanks, Grandma! 

I believe I was probably pestering my grandmother, so she played a movie in the VHS player for me to watch. Don't worry, the movie was edited. She had recorded Halloween I, II, and III onto a VHS tape off of television the previous year. I would say she played the movie just to get me to leave her alone. Whatever the reason, it was the first time I watched Halloween, which would become my favorite movie.

While Halloween wasn't my venture into the world of horror (Midnight Hour (1985) gets that honor!), it was my very first slasher flick, which kicked off my lifetime love for the Halloween franchise. (Yes, that even includes the godawful Halloween Resurrection!)

I can't explain why my favorite movie is about a masked killer stalking a babysitter on Halloween Night. It might have something to do with the film's Gothic-like atmosphere or it might have something to with the little fact that my first crush was on Jamie Lee Curtis! 

My mother thought I was crazy for liking a slasher film and thought there was something mentally wrong with me. I'm not joking, she really thought there was something wrong with me. Through my eyes Halloween was just a movie. I knew the difference between make-believe and reality, so I never saw the harm in watching the movie.

I believe I still have my grandmother's VHS tape, but for the life of me I couldn't find it before I started writing this. I believe it is stored in a box somewhere.