Monday, January 15, 2018

Review - Self Love Yoga: 369 Days of Evolving with Radical Self Love

Now available on Amazon Kindle is Self Love Yoga: 369 Days of Evolving with Radical Self Love by Phoebe Del Mar!

Typically, I wouldn't even be interested in reading a book like this, but I'm trying to involve this year, so I thought I would give the book a chance.

Let me start out by saying this isn't a "Yoga" book. If you're looking to read a book about practicing Yoga or looking for new Yoga exercises, this isn't the book for you. Instead the book is about "radical self love"  or learning to love yourself.

In the book there are 369 affirmations, which you'll read one to yourself everyday, multiple times per day. These affirmations are all nice sayings that'll teach you to love yourself. Additionally, there are some days where there will be questions for you to answer about yourself.

For example, day one asks: "Am I being mindful of my thoughts? Am I being mindful of my actions? Am I being mindful of my emotions?"

Final Thoughts

Product Review: VIVE Leg Cast Protector

If you have ever tried to take a shower while you're wearing cast on your foot or leg, then you would know that it's a difficult thing to accomplish unless you have some sort of plastic wrapped around the cast to prevent it from getting wet.

Luckily, in today's day of age, you can purchase just about anything online, including arm and leg cast protectors.

Honestly, I didn't know such a thing existed until I heard about the VIVE Leg Cast Protector. I wished I had known about this protector last year when I twisted my ankle and had to wear a brace for most of the summer.

The protector is made from durable, composite material. Each seam was created to be tear-resistant and leakproof. It features a rubber diaphragm that will create a watertight leakproof seal around your leg. The seal will regain its shape after each use; meaning you can reuse the cast protector over and over and it'll still produce a watertight seal every time.

The Leg Cast Protector stretched out.

Picture of me wearing the leg cast protector on my right leg.
Final Thoughts

A Better Shelter, for a Better Living

In this age of ever increasing inflation smart decisions are required to save yourself from binging a hole in one’s pocket. A roof is a shelter. It encloses the house building an aura of protection and warmth. Roofs are the most essential components as they keep the harsh weather out and provide protection to you in all type of climates. The condition of a roof worsens over time, but it varies from roof to roof as different types of materials are used in the construction of any roof. The better the material used, the slower is the speed of degeneration and lesser is the environmental damage caused which may put one in need of a new roof.

While getting a roof repaired or while building an entire new roof it has to be kept in mind that roofs give a great outlook to the house and when seen from a distance a bad roof with broken debris visible may distort the opinion of passersby’s. A roof not inspected for a long time can prove to be hazardous in bad weather conditions. Best roofers with reviews Ann Arbor Michigan is a digital aid which can help one in knowing about the materials to be used while constructing a new roof and the contractors that can make your house better and long lasting. The materials to be used in the roofing must have qualities which can enable them to cope with the harsh environment.

Standards of good material

  • Durable
  • Cost effective
  • It should be degradable
  • Environment friendly materials should be used
  • Recyclable materials should be used
  • Should be leak proof

Construction with such materials can help build a long-lasting roof that will not worsen in a few years span. Use of cheap and non-durable materials might be light on your pocket, but it will burn a big hole in your pockets in years to come as you will be looking for new roofing shortly, as the inexpensive materials will not be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. Hiring a professional that uses standardized material and is trained in roofing might be a little expensive than the cheapskates, but you won't have to worry about the roofing in a good few years as it will last a lot longer than expected. There is a wide range of outlook of roof to select from.

Types of materials for roofing

Sunday, January 14, 2018

An Apocalypse Guide For Book Lovers!

Do you know there are people who are actually preparing for the zombie apocalypse? And, no, I'm not referring to a viewing party for an episode of The Walking Dead. I'm referring to an actual zombie apocalypse!

I can understand preparing yourself for a natural disaster or some sort of emergency by stocking up on emergency survival food kits, bottle water, blankets, first aid kits, and many other useful things from My Patriot Supply. But come on! A zombie apocalypse! That's just a bit insane to me! And that's coming from a Walking Dead fan!

Anyway, the subject got me thinking about what items book lovers would stock up on in case of an emergency or an apocalypse. After a bit of brainstorming, I came with 5 things book lover's would want to have on hand in case of an emergency!


Yes, I'm well aware that coffee isn't exactly a book related item, but I always enjoy sipping on coffee while reading a good book, which is why it's on the top of this list.

If a natural disaster or an apocalypse has occurred, then mostly likely there will be no electricity. Unless you have a generator, then you'll have no use for an electric coffee maker. I recommend getting an old-fashioned kettle and a pour over coffee maker, as well stocking up on your favorite ground coffee brand. This way you can have a cup of coffee anytime you want; even when there are zombies walking among us!

A Book Light

While you should definitely have a flashlight nearby during an emergency, when it comes to reading, I would settle for a simple book light. Preferably a LED book light that has a long-lasting battery. It might be little, but it can give off plenty of light, so you can read a good book in the dark.


Get a good bookmark to mark where you're at in book. While I do like the paper kind, I recommend getting a metal bookmark that will clip onto the book pages. This way you won't have to worry about the bookmark falling out of your book while you're being chased by a herd of zombies.

Your Favorite Books

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Review Catch Up Marathon!: To Capture Her Heart by Rebecca DeMarino

Revell; 352 pages; $14.99; Amazon

 To Capture Her Heart by Rebecca DeMarnio has been sitting my desk collecting dust for awhile now. I had originally read it back in 2016 and it's one of those books that I never got around to writing the review for it. In my quest to catch up on the needs-to-be-reviewed titles, I'm reading at least one book per day; sometimes even two.

This novel is book two in The Southold Chronicles series. Set in Southold, Long Island in 1653, it centers on Heather Flower, the princess of the Montaukett tribe. During her wedding feast, her tribe is attacked by a rival tribe, the groom is killed, and Heather is kidnapped!

Flower's kidnappers demand a ransom from her father, but they don't ever plan on returning her. Eventually, Flower is rescued by Dutch Lieutenant Dirk Van Buren, who brings her to the Hortons, an English family who are friends to her people. There she attempts to mourn her loss, but she's quickly torn between the affections from Dirk and Ben Horton.

Final Thoughts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Book Blogger Hop: January 12th - 18th

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Welcome to the new Book Blogger Hop!

If you want schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

What to do:

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

  This week's question is submitted by Billy @  Coffee Addicted Writer.


What upcoming titles are looking forward to reading in 2018?

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in removal of your link).

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new follower.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

My Answer:

The 17th Suspect
by James Patterson  & Maxine Petro
Pub. Date: April 30th 
As You Wish 
by Jude Deverux 
Pub. Date: March 6th

The Road Home 
by Beverly Lewis 
Pub. Date: April 3rd

Linky List:

Review Catch Up Marathon!: Dark Deception by Nancy Mehl

Bethany House; 320 pages; $15.99; Amazon
It's been a busy 24 hours for me. I meant to have this review written and posted last night, but I ended watching the movie "The Foreigner" instead. Instead of procrastinating (again), here I am writing my review for the mystery-thriller Dark Deception by Nancy Mehl. It's the second book in the Defenders of Justice series. I had reviewed the first book, Fatal Frost, yesterday. You can read my review here!

Dark Deception centers a woman named Kate O'Brien, who has been living in Shelter Cove, Arkansas. Four years ago, she and her twin sister were attacked by a serial killer. Her sister was murdered, but she survived. The killer was caught, tried, and sentenced to prison. Kate's life has never been the same. Not only did she lost her sister, but she also had to leave behind her entire life and join the witness protection.

Suddenly new evidence comes forward that suggests the man who was sent to prison wasn't the real killer, which means Kate will have to come out of hiding and testify in court again.

Tony DeLuca is assigned to escort her back to St. Louis. He's the same deputy marshal who protected her during the original trial. Tony is excited about his new assignment, as he has romantic feelings for Kate. Of course this is supposed to be a thriller, so there isn't too much time for romance, as he must protect Kate from an unexpected threat.

Final Thoughts