Saturday, January 19, 2013

Life As a Blogger

A life for a blogger can become a little bit hectic with review requests, setting up interviews with authors, scheduling a blog tour, and making sure that you get those guest posts in on time. On top of that a blogger has to deal with the chaos of day to day living, like your nine to five job, grocery shopping, family obligations, etc… Just like everyone else, bloggers are not immune to the common cold or the flu, possibly causing a few posts to be late.

For me blogging has been fun and a way to vent out my emotions, leading me to buy my own domain and hire a blog designer last year. I promised myself that I would I try to post everyday. Well there are many surprises in life, as I have caught many colds, I just recently battled the nasty flu bug, I had a bit of depression, I survived the chaos of the holidays and I have now been in contact with my half-sister.

My procrastinating has resulted in a few unopened boxes piled on top of the entertainment stand. Coffee tables are meant to have coasters, a cup of coffee, the TV Guide, remote controls, a candy dish, etc, but mine is currently piled with unread books, unopened DVDs & music CDs, Christmas gift cards and lose change. My desk is even worse with more music CDs, stacks of books to be read, and stacks of books to be reviewed. Somewhere underneath all that mess are my desk calendar and a twenty dollar bill.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Friday 56 - Secretly Smitten

Grab a book, any book. 
Turn to page 56. 
Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you. 
Post it. 
Add your (url) post below in the Linky at

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Internet is Off! Oh, the Insanity

Have you ever wondered how much we depend on internet services on a daily basis?

I never thought about this question until my internet and cable happened to go out late Tuesday night. It didn’t bother me at first as it gave me a chance to catch up on some reading. By the time I turned in for the night the internet sill hadn’t returned, but once again it didn’t bother me because typically when the internet goes out the cable company would restore the internet services in the early morning hours. There was no reason to worry right?

Up bright and early, I set a bowl of cereal and steaming cup of java on my desk shortly before I sat down in the comfortable leather cushioned chair. I check my inbox and nothing happen. I glance at the internet modem and there was still no connection.

I thought, “No big deal. I can watch the local news.” I grabbed the remote, spun the chair around, and turned on the television to watch nothing as the cable was still out.  As I turned back toward the computer screen, I wondered if I received a reply from the PR Company about reviewing a product. Did I receive the guest post for the upcoming book blog tour? Did my recently found half-sister send me another email about her life?

Well, it seemed I would never know the answers to my questions.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guest Post with Jessica Aspen

Hi Billy! Thanks for having me as a guest on Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. I do have a question though, can you be a writer and not be coffee addicted? Just kidding. I ask because I think writing and coffee go hand in hand. Writers need that caffeine to stay up late and hit those deadlines, to get up early and write before work, or to keep up with a life that includes kids, dogs, and spouses. (Those spouses need attention too!) I know that those days I wake up at five (well before my alarm) I go straight for the deep, dark, rich, jolt of java juice. MMMM.

If you want to lure writers of all types, but particularly romance writers, all you need to do is toss out that invite to a coffee shop. Or show up with chocolate. Hold up a bag of dark chocolate at romance writer’s meeting and see if you get out alive. Authors love lurking at their local coffee shop and there are very specific needs for an author who is trying to write. While writing Little Red Riding Wolf I got my best writing done after work (away from the kids, house, and husband) at my local coffee hang out.

Here’s why when twisting fairy tales and writing about shape shifting lovers I go to my small town coffee shop:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Interview with author Natalie Wright

What or whom inspired you to become a writer?

I can’t say that there was a person or thing that happened that made me want to be a writer. I just remember that as far back as I can remember it’s what I wanted to do. I’d say, “I want to be an artist and writer when I grow up.” I took a detour into another area, but it’s never too late to pursue your dream ;-) I credit my husband for getting me back into writing. I wouldn’t say that he “inspired” me. It was more like he kicked me in the arse! I kept talking about wanting to write but I didn’t have time, blah, blah, blah – excuse, excuse, excuse. He firmly, but lovingly, told me just do it! He didn’t want to hear about any more stories, he wanted to read them. That was in 2007. I’ve been writing ever since. 

What types of books do you read?

All kinds! I read a lot of YA, especially fantasy and paranormal/magical books. I’m deep into the Game of Thrones right now and loving it! Two of my favorite books over the past couple of years – The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern, and Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn, and The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. I also read quite a bit of non-fiction, particularly books that relate to my fiction writing. 

What well-known authors do you admire most?

Oh, so many, and the list changes depending on what I’m reading! I love the Hunger Games, and I admire Suzanne Collins’ ability to write amazing hooks that pull the reader to the next chapter. I’ve recently taken on the challenge of reading the Game of Thrones series and I’ve become a huge fan of George R.R. Martin. I admire his ability to create an incredibly complex world with a complicated plot and viscerably real characters – unparalleled. I also admire John Green. In my opinion, he’s one of the best writers of young adult fiction in our lifetime, maybe ever. My writing is nothing like his, but I admire his craft. And from the old school, I admire Shakespeare and Charles Dickens, both masters of story. 

What were your writing habits while writing Emily’s Trial?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Morning Madness #1 - The Curves of Life

Welcome to my weekly rambling titled "Monday Morning Madness"! I originally planned on writing about my New Years Resolutions, but due to recent circumstances I will save my resolutions for next week.

Life just plain sucks sometimes! The world is going through a continuing financial chaos caused by governments that can't balance a checkbook; the fringe media can't tell the difference between tabloid nonsense and actual news; and you can't go anywhere, not even online, without being insulted by ignorant people.

Personally, the only excitement in my life is when the mail carrier arrives at a decent time. Between my tonsillitis scare, toothaches, the thought of one day of getting glaucoma, my constant sinus dilemma, my on and off again depression, social anxiety, the fear of never finding love and dying alone, I thought God wouldn't dare throw me another curve, but I was mistaken.

Out of the blue, from a complete stranger, I received a message that my birth father, who I have never met, wants to meet me, and I have a half-brother and a half-sister that I never knew existed. Plus, there are several nephews and nieces.

Why is God putting me in this situation? Is he testing me?

Review - OMG I Lost My Job! What Do I Do Now?

OMG I Lost My Job! What Do I Do Now?
By Carolyn Woods
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pub. Date: December 11, 2012
ISBN: 978-1481207768
Pages: 66
Buy Link: Kindle, Paperback


Let's face the facts, the world's economy is failing resulting in hundreds if not thousands of job losses everyday and it's not going to improve anytime in the near future. Carolyn Woods has a written an informative handbook for anyone that is unemployed or is afraid of losing their job.

Finding a job is tough, so if you lose your job you should go ahead and start planning your next move. OMG I Lost My Job! What Do I Do Now? can give you a guideline to use as you try to figure out what to do next. One of the first steps is to look into your funds, cut back on a few unwanted items and look into how many days or months you can live off your savings. Finding a temporary paying job as fast as you can is a must while you get your resume ready to send out. If you can't find a job right away, volunteering is great way to spend your time and taking a few college classes would look good to possible employers.