Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rambling. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reorganizing My Life

Being stuck at home with flu has been boring for me and I'm dreading tomorrow because there is suppose to be a big snowstorm, meaning I'll probably be stuck inside the house for a few more days. Yikes!

I've started an early spring cleaning by reorganizing one shelf in the bedroom closet. I know it is only one shelf, but it is a start at removing all this clutter. I'm thinking about buying some kind of multimedia storage to hide all my music CDs and DVDs.

I would like to do something with the walls. I have a poster of The Outlaw Josey Wales in my bedroom that I would like to move to the living room, because my Clint Eastwood movie collection is in there. I was also thinking I should have a picture of my cats blown up by poster printers and tacked to wall, but that may look a little tacky. Maybe I should have a family photo made by custom poster printers, have it framed and mounted on the wall? That would probably look better.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Weekend Rush

When I was a kid, I always looked forward to the weekends as it meant I had two full days off from school. I would stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights watching low-budget horror movies and sleep in late the following mornings. I would go shopping with my mother on Saturdays, where I would normally buy a book and spend the rest of the day reading it. My many hobbies, such as puzzles, video games, plastic models, coin collecting, etc., would fill out the rest of the weekend.

How I miss those carefree weekends? Lately, my weekends have been nothing but stressful. Being single with no children, you would think I would have some free time on the weekends, but that is not the case with me.

As kids, we think we have too many responsibilities with school work, friends, and chores. As adults, we think having the weekend off from work would be less chaotic and more fun, which it can be at times, but the majority of the time we spend the weekend catching up on our lives.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Life As a Blogger

A life for a blogger can become a little bit hectic with review requests, setting up interviews with authors, scheduling a blog tour, and making sure that you get those guest posts in on time. On top of that a blogger has to deal with the chaos of day to day living, like your nine to five job, grocery shopping, family obligations, etc… Just like everyone else, bloggers are not immune to the common cold or the flu, possibly causing a few posts to be late.

For me blogging has been fun and a way to vent out my emotions, leading me to buy my own domain and hire a blog designer last year. I promised myself that I would I try to post everyday. Well there are many surprises in life, as I have caught many colds, I just recently battled the nasty flu bug, I had a bit of depression, I survived the chaos of the holidays and I have now been in contact with my half-sister.

My procrastinating has resulted in a few unopened boxes piled on top of the entertainment stand. Coffee tables are meant to have coasters, a cup of coffee, the TV Guide, remote controls, a candy dish, etc, but mine is currently piled with unread books, unopened DVDs & music CDs, Christmas gift cards and lose change. My desk is even worse with more music CDs, stacks of books to be read, and stacks of books to be reviewed. Somewhere underneath all that mess are my desk calendar and a twenty dollar bill.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Internet is Off! Oh, the Insanity

Have you ever wondered how much we depend on internet services on a daily basis?

I never thought about this question until my internet and cable happened to go out late Tuesday night. It didn’t bother me at first as it gave me a chance to catch up on some reading. By the time I turned in for the night the internet sill hadn’t returned, but once again it didn’t bother me because typically when the internet goes out the cable company would restore the internet services in the early morning hours. There was no reason to worry right?

Up bright and early, I set a bowl of cereal and steaming cup of java on my desk shortly before I sat down in the comfortable leather cushioned chair. I check my inbox and nothing happen. I glance at the internet modem and there was still no connection.

I thought, “No big deal. I can watch the local news.” I grabbed the remote, spun the chair around, and turned on the television to watch nothing as the cable was still out.  As I turned back toward the computer screen, I wondered if I received a reply from the PR Company about reviewing a product. Did I receive the guest post for the upcoming book blog tour? Did my recently found half-sister send me another email about her life?

Well, it seemed I would never know the answers to my questions.