Friday, January 22, 2021

The Friday 56 - Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier


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"Of course," I answered, "I was thinking for the moment we would be married at home. Naturally I don't expect a church, or people, or anything like that."
page 56, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maureir

My Thoughts

For whatever reason that I cannot explain, I have been waking up between 3:30 and 4:00 every morning for the last few weeks. Unable to go back to sleep, I've been watching movies on Netflix, which is where I stumbled upon the remake of Rebecca. No, it's not as good as the classic Hitchcock version, but it's still enjoyable. Anyway, I ended up buying Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. I haven't had much time to read this week, so I'm only on Chapter 5.


  1. I watched it too. I agree that it's not nearly as good as the original movie, but it's still good on its own.

  2. Rebecca was one of those books that kept me up until the wee hours of the morning. I just had to finish it! I've seen the remake as well and quite liked it. Hitchcock still rules yes!

    Happy weekend!

    Elza Reads

  3. so glad you are reading it, so so good! My post is here

  4. I haven't read Rebecca, but i have heard of it. Enjoy your current read!

  5. I still need to read this one as well! Happy weekend!

  6. Is this your first time reading Rebecca? I haven't ever read it nor seen any of the movies. But it's on my list! Like so many other books. LOL I hope you are able to get more sleep soon. Have a great weekend!


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