Friday, September 22, 2017

Interview and Giveaway with H.L. Cherryholmes

Now available to purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble is the paranormal novel The Reminisce by H.L. Cherryholmes.

The author has taken a few minutes out of his busy schedule for a Q&A about his new novel.

When did you become interested in storytelling?

As a young boy I was taken care of by my paternal grandmother and she would tell me about her past. She never just remembered. She would turn whatever it was she was telling me about into a story. Not having much of a past of my own, I began to make up stories to tell her and she would ask questions to help me fill in the blanks. That’s when I discovered how fun and fulfilling it was to be a storyteller.

What was your first book/story published?

Because I started out as a playwright, my first story published was actually a play called, And Jill Came Tumbling After.

What inspired you to write The Reminisce?

Talking to a doctor once at a party. She specialized in Alzheimer’s and we had a very interesting chat about accessing memories. I became fascinated with the (simplistic, because there’s so much more to it) idea that the disease moves backwards, taking away the most current memories until there’s nothing left to recall.

What character in The Reminisce is the most/least like you, and in what ways?

That would have to be Araceli, the girlfriend of the main character’s sister. She curious and is always willing to explore the unusual, even if she doesn’t quite understand or believe in it.

What is your favorite part in The Reminisce?

The ending. Can’t say why or I would give too much away.

What was the hardest part to write?

See above.

What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author?
A film editor.

Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?

I actually have my husband read them first. If they’re good, he’ll read aloud. If they’re not so good, he’ll summarize. They don’t influence my writing at all. You can’t please everyone.

What well-known writers do you admire most?

Margaret Atwood, Stephen King, Tad Williams, Anne Rice, and a whole slew of not so well-known writers.

Do you have any other books/stories in the works?
I do. I’ve got three: one that I’m currently working on the first draft and two others that are stewing in my head.

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About the Author

H.L. Cherryholmes, author of The Lizard Queen Series, The Reminisce, Come Back for Me, and A Slight Touch was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico but has spent most of his adult life in California. He has a BFA from University of New Mexico and a Master's degree in Playwriting from the University of California, Los Angeles. Currently, he lives in SoCal with his husband, Ron Cogan.

Learn more about the author on his website at:

Follow the author Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

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