Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Morning Madness #9: The Monday Blues

I believe the fat cat Garfield said it best, "I hate Mondays!" As that is exactly how I felt this morning after only getting about five house of solid sleep. The last four days have been crazy. My great-uncle died, another family member has been sick, and I have been dealing with a sinus/allergy infection. Of course I had to deal with a several review items not being delivered, so I had to send out a few emails and hopefully I'll be receiving the products by the end of the week.

The weekend is also a little busy for me, as I help my mother take my grandma shopping, then I do my own errands, etc. I didn't get much reading done as I planned on doing as my eyes were watery due to the allergies. I did get a chance to watch Wreck-It Ralph and Juno. The latter I saw parts of on television a few weeks ago and I ran across it in the five dollar bin at my local Walmart. I spent a good part of Sunday catching up on some much needed sleep. I watched Juno in the afternoon and I watched Once Upon a Time and The Walking Dead later that night.

Despite the fact that I hate Mondays, I got up earlier than normal and did some multitasking. I listen to The Iron Duke audiobook (look for my review in the next few days) while I wrote two book reviews and replied to a few emails.

Yes, I would love take a vacation, if I could afford one. Plus, there have been way too many accidents, especially on cruise ships. I’ve never been on a boat (well, I’ve been on a small fishing boat on a lake) and a cruise would be relaxing, but just a little too scary for me. My luck the ship would lose power and I would be stuck in the middle of nowhere. I guess if that would ever happen I could always get a lawyer and make a Holiday Accident Claim. There are many lawyers, including Irwin Mitchell, that will help a person get their money back if they suffer from any injuries while on vacation. That is a little assuring for me, so maybe I should start planning a vacation, even a small one.

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