Thursday, January 8, 2015

Review - Masterpiece Marriage

Masterpiece Marriage
Quilts of Love Series
by Gina Welborn
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Pub. Date: December 16, 2014
Pages: 229
Buy Link: Amazon
Blog Tour:


If you follow my blog on regular basis, then you probably noticed that I have reviewed several books from the the Quilts of Love Series from Abingdon Press. Each book in the series features a different story and characters that are written by a different authors. The newest installment is titled Masterpiece Marriage and it is written by Gina Welborn.

The book is set in 1891 and centers on a man named Zenus Dane, who's textile mill was recently flooded. Due to the fact that his normal income has come to a halt, the bank has been pressuring him to pay off his loan. With no other choice, he is determined to salvage the textiles, but he will need his aunt's help as he wants to use her hand-drawn quilt patterns.

To his surprise, Mary Varrs, an Englishwoman, hires Aunt Priscilla to illustrate her prized tomato plants. Of course this is a love story, so you can pretty much guess what happens next - Zenus and Mary meet and quickly start to develop feelings for each other.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Best Writing Tips Wednesdays Posts of 2014

It’s a new year! Happy New Year everyone!

I thought today I would share with you my favorite Coffee-Addicted Writer Writing Tips posts from 2014. Enjoy!

Here’s to a healthy, successful writing career in 2015!

Brenda is a fellow book-lover and coffee-addict. She is a freelance writer, punctuation nerd, and grammar enthusiast. Her favorite book genres are Science Fiction, Fantasy with a Twist, and Dystopian. Brenda blogs about books, writing and more at Daily Mayo. Find her here on CaW for Writing Tips Wednesdays the first Wednesday of every month.

Follow Brenda on Facebook and Twitter or subscribe to updates from Daily Mayo to keep up with all the exciting things in her life; ranging from drinking coffee to get through the day to drinking coffee just for fun.

Review - Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two

Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two
by Douglas Wolk
Illustrator: Ulises Farinas
Publisher: Diamond Book Distributors
Pub. Date: September 16, 2014
ASIN: 978-1631400803
Pages: 124
Buy Link: Amazon


While I was well aware that Judge Dredd was a comic book series, I have never read a single issue that is until I read this one last year. However, I have seen both movies that have been made of the character.

Judge Dredd: Mega-City Two finds Judge Dredd being taking out of his comfort zone when he is placed in a Judge exchange program. He ends up in California, where a camera crew is constantly following him around. You can say that he is kinda upset that he is forced to carry a non-lethal gun. Los Angeles is no more, so the setting takes place in Mega-City. There are several stores in this book, even a story involving a giant mutated shrimp. Yes, I said that correctly.

Review - Doctor Who: Silhouette

Doctor Who: Silhouette
by Justin Richards
Publisher: Broadway Books
Pub. Date: September 9, 2014
ISBN: 978-0804140881
Pages: 256
Buy Link: Amazon


Despite being over fifty-years-old, the Doctor Who franchise is bigger than ever, but fans will have to wait until the ninth series (season) premieres later this year. The good news is that there are plenty of Doctor Who novelizations fans grab their hands on to keep them preoccupied until then.

Several new titles were released this past September, including Doctor Who: Silhouette by Justin Richards, which follows the 12th Doctor and his companion Clara along with their old pals - Madame Vastra, Strax, and Jenny. 

Set in Victorian London, Silhouette finds the Doctor and his companions investigating a murder and the strange occurrences at a Frost Fair on the River Thames. As a strange figure known as the Silhouette takes center stage, their journey will take them beyond the fair to the Carnival of Curiosities to unravel the mystery.

Beginning Waltz: A Step-By-Step Guide! Volume 2 Review

Beginning Waltz: A Step-By-Step Guide! Volume 2
Release Date: February 23, 2007
Retail: $39.95
Running Time: 53 minutes
Rating: Not Rated
Buy Link: Amazon


I hope everyone is having a great 2015 so far! A new year is a great time to learn something new, like dancing. Yes, I said dancing. If you have kept up with my blog last year, then you probably read several other dancing DVDs review posts. Due to my bad knee, I didn't want to try out any high intensity workouts, though I have now brought back a few kickboxing workouts into my routine, so I had tried out several dancing DVDs. Despite my two left feet, I have enjoyed learning how to dance.

Last month, I tried out the Beginning Waltz: A Step-By-Step Guide! Volume 2 from DanceCrazy. Even if you're not a dancer, there is a good chance that you heard about the dance called the Waltz or you have seen it in a movie with classic stars like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

This DVD runs at almost 53 minutes and features a male and a female instructors, who give a step-by-step guide on how to do the Waltz. At the end of the DVD the instructors put all the moves together for a full dance sequence.

The moves featured on this DVD are:

Monday, January 5, 2015

Review - Bound by Night & Chained by Night

Click on the cover art to buy the book!
Last fall was definitely a little chaotic with me falling behind on a few reviews. I thought I had gotten caught up on everything, but lo and behold, I happened to come across two books I forgotten to read and review - Bound by Night and Chained by Night. Both books are part of The Moon Bound Clan Vampires series and are written by Larissa Ione. Therefore since the weekend was a cold and icy, I squeezed in time for some much needed reading.

Bound by Night (Pocket Books; 978-1476700175; 400 pages) is set in a world where vampires are slaves to humans that is until an uprising occurs, resulting in the death of many humans. Nicole Martin was just eight-years-old when her entire family was murdered in front of her. Barely surviving, Nicole devotes her live to finding a cure to vampirism, but her feelings kinda change when she starts to fall for a vampire from her past - Riker.

Riker is part of the renegade vampire MoonBound Clan and seeks out to avenge his kind that were once enslaved by the Martin family by kidnapping Nicole, but his plans forrevenge change when he falls in love with her.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Review - How To Survive Middle School and Monster Bots

How To Survive Middle School and Monster Bots
by Ron Bates
Publisher: Zonderkidz
Pub. Date: September 16, 2014
ISBN: 978-0310736080
Pages: 224
Buy Link: Amazon


At first glance this book may in fact look like the next entry in the "Middle School" series by James Patterson, but instead it is the second installment in the "A Howard Boward Book" series by author Ron Bates.

How To Survive Middle School and Monster Bots centers on a nerdy boy named Howard Boward, who is dreading winter as he has to dodge snowballs from some of his bullies from Dolley Madison Middle School. Plus, his best-friend, Winnie McKinney, is no longer speaking to him.

His life takes a turn for the good when he learns there is going to be a robot-building contest and everybody knows that Howard is a science genius, so of course he is going to enter the contest and try to beat his archenemy Gerald "G-Force" Forester. Unfortunately, Howard hits a few brick walls with his robot design and the only way to make it work is to use his "monster goo" formula, which has a few unwanted side effects.

Right from the first chapter something really bothered me about this book - the narration! Though the character is a kid, he sounds like an adult, similar to Charlie Brown, except for Howard is more self-centered and unlikeable, which explains why the character can't make friends. I understand why writers are creating books that deal with kids being bullied, but Howard is a horrible character with a bad ego.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Book Blogger Hop: Jan. 2nd - 8th

Book Blogger Hop

Welcome to the new Book Blogger Hop!

If you want schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

What to do:

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

  This week's question is submitted by Billy!

What is your Blogger's New Year's Resolution?

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in removal of your link).

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new follower.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

My Answer: 

reply to my blog's comments
schedule reviews for book blog tours ahead of time
visit other blogs more often
have less spoilers in my reviews

Linky List:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Review - Krav Maga In No Time

It's a brand new year, which means there is plenty of time to try new things including taking a self-defense course. Of course not everyone has time to take a weekly self-defense class. Luckily, for those who have a busy schedule, we can now learn to defend ourselves at home with the Krav Maga In No Time: The Best Home Study Self Defense Course!

The course is created by Guy Dar, the Israeli Krav Maga master! He is also the founder of the full contact Krav Maga, which is used by the CIA, FBI and the Israeli army as it gives you the ability to end a fight in seconds.

The Krav Maga In No Time course is available to purchase on DVD or you can watch it online. The course also comes with the eBooks "Keeping Watch: Strategies for Non Violence Self-Defense" and "Self-Defense for Women: Threats and Strategies."

The defense included in the course are:

Part 1: Basic Stand plus Using Hand Strikes to Defend and Attack
  • Basic Stand & Making a Fist - (4 mins 43 secs)
  • Palm Strike - (2 mins 30 secs)
  • Straight Punch - (3 mins 38 secs)
  • Hook Punch - (1 min 21 secs)
  • Upper Cut - (1 min 26 secs)
  • Hammer Punch - (2 mins 13 secs)
  • Horizontal Elbow - (1 min 17 secs)
  • Elbow and Forearm - (1 min 14 secs)
  • Rear Short Elbow - (1 min 24 secs)
  • Rear Spinning Elbow - (2 mins 5 secs)

A Camera, Music and Old Spice!

While I attempted to list all my Christmas presents in this week's Monday Morning Madness, I forgot to mention a few other gifts that I received. My big present this year, and my favorite, was the Nikon Coolpix L830 Camera along with a bunch of essentials (SD cards, camera bag, etc.).

Another great gift of mine was a LIVE Sound Bar, not one of the expensive ones as it was purchased on Black Friday, but nevertheless it does work great at enhancing the sound on my 32 inch HD TV.

Of course I received three "geeky" t-shirts featuring M&M's characters, the Thundercats Logo and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I did already mention that these were "geeky" t-shirt, but it fits into my style. I also received Old Spice cologne, after shave and deodorant. In the past I have used Brute (which isn't sold in my area anymore) and AXE, which in my opinion this brand has lost its scent. Anyway, I'm going to give Old Spice a trying 2015!

While I don't typically buy my own presents, this year I did and it arrived on my doorsteps on Monday. It is one of those cheap Eclipse MP3 players. Yeah, I know I'm a little behind in technology, but I have been wanting one for awhile. Plus, I have plenty of music on my computer from Digital Copy downloads that come with every new music CD to put on the thing.