Monday, April 8, 2013

DVD Review - Kenya Moore: Booty Boot Camp

Kenya Moore: Booty Boot Camp
Studio: Acorn Media (Acacia)
Release Date: March 5, 2013
Running Time: Approx. 90 min.
Rating: Not Rated


You may wonder why a man would be reviewing a workout intended for women. Well, I have lower-back problems, so I thought I would try out a workout that targets the gluteus maximus muscle. There aren't a whole lot of workout DVDs aimed for men, unless you count the high intensity ones, which aren't good for my back. Acacia nicely sent me a free copy of Kenya Moore" Booty Boot Camp in exchange for my honest review. Kenya Moore is a former Miss USA and is currently on the reality program The Real Housewives of Atlanta, which I have never watched before. Actually, I've never heard of Kenya before this workout DVD.

The workout DVD consist of a warm-up, a level 1 workout, a level 2 workout, a level 3 workout, a short cool-down, and a cool-down with additional ab-flattening workout. You don't have to play all the workouts straight through, as you can easily use the menu to pick out which ones you want to try out for the day. No weights are needed, but you do need to use a rug or yoga mat for the floor work.

Despite what the title suggests Kenya isn’t the instructor here, though she does take over for a few routines. The real instructor is Nikki Veal who teaches simple moves that are suppose to shrink your waist, define your abs and give you a butt lift.

Review: Hocus Pocus Hotel: The Return of Abracadabra

Hocus Pocus Hotel: The Return of Abracadabra
By Michael Dahl
Illustrator: Lisa K. Weber
Publisher: Stone Arch Books
Pub. Date: February 1, 2013
ISBN: 978-1434247216
Pages: 208


Charlie Hitchcock is back to solve another mystery in Hocus Pocus Hotel: The Return of Abracadabra. Everything starts out with Charlie helping the school bully Tyler (who he is secretly friends with) pass out flyers to the upcoming magic show at the Hocus Pocus Hotel. The hotel was once owned by the legendary Abracadabra, who disappeared fifty years ago. He didn't exactly disappear as the boys know his other identity. Abracadabra is hosting a show for amateur magicians which will lead to his return and retirement from the magician business.

The mystery begins when a fellow classmate of the boys goes missing while on stage with the magician Theopolis, who claims he gets his magic powers from demons. Charlie knows this is a lie. Both Tyler and he are determined to find out the truth, no matter what the costs.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Revolt Journey Week 5

The fifth week of Revolt with Nichole Huntsman went extremely fast consisting of new routines with Bulgarian split squats, thrusters, push-ups, butt kicks, and many other workouts. I was supposed to place paper towels under my feet for the pike-ups, but that didn't work as I have carpet floors, so I used two small paper plates instead.

After having lower-back pains for a few weeks, I was pain free for week five of Revolt, but I had a wisdom tooth that wanted to act up (and it is still causing some pain). I've been adding other workouts (yoga, stretching, cardio, and kickboxing, to my daily routines, except for today (Sunday) which is my much needed rest day.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Interview with author Julia Phillips Smith

What or whom inspired you to become a writer?

That’s pretty hard to put a finger on. The moment I could put together little printed words on those spacer-lined sheets in first grade, I was already writing stories. I do remember being very conscious that the fictional little girl Laura Ingalls was in reality the author’s name on the front cover.

What types of books do you read?

My fiction reading has gone way down since I began writing books. I used to read on the bus to and from my day job, but for a while now I’ve been using my bus commute as naptime. I do love fantasy, and horror but not contemporary horror—I’m much more of a Gothic horror fan. Historical fiction, darker historical romance and every now and then a quirky contemporary novel like EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED.

What well-known authors do you admire most?

Mercedes Lackey, Roger Zelazny, C.S. Lewis and Sergei Lukyanenko for fantasy.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and Anne Rice for my spooky fix.

Review - When Jesus Wept

When Jesus Wept
By Bodie & Brock Thoene
Publisher: Zondervan
Pub. Date: March 19, 2013
ISBN: 978-0310335931
Pages: 336
Buy Link:
Blog Tour:

As many of my blog readers know, I am a heavy book reader as I have read many books from may authors and genres over the years. I had found one of the Zion Covenant books by Bodie & Brock Thoene at a thrift store years ago and I ended up checking out the rest of the series at my local library. I was more than eager to read their latest novel When Jesus Wept, courtesy of the publisher and Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for my honest review.

Book One in The Jerusalem Chronicles is told from the point-of-view of David Ben Lazarus, who was owner of a vineyard in Bethany (near Jerusalem). He was living a simple life until he met a stranger, Jesus of Nazareth, who will forever change the course of his life.

When Jesus Wept covers the significant events of Lazarus as he witnesses Jesus’s teachings, ministry, crucifixion and resurrection, all which is in the Bible, but it also shows more of Lazarus's family and friends.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Book Blogger Hop: April 5th - 11th

Welcome to the new Book Blogger Hop!

Grab the Button!

If you want schedule next week's post, click here to find the next prompt question. To submit a question, fill out this form.

What to do:

1. Post on your blog answering this question:

(This week's question submitted by Tanya)

What book have you've been meaning to read forever AND you finally did?

2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in removal of your link).

3. Visit other blogs in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new follower.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

My Answer:
I'm way behind on my personal reading (AKA - the books I buy myself). Between the hardbacks, paperbacks and eBooks that I have signed up to review, the other books just pile up and collect dust. I did read Merry Christmas, Alex Cross a few months ago, but I have many other James Paterson books to read. I would like to read Red Rain by R.L. Stine, the last few Goosebumps books (also by Stine), Carte Blanche by Jeffery Deaver, Unbreakable by Nancy Mehl, Forbidden Sisters by V.C.Andrews, and the last few Southern Vampire Mysteries this year, if I ever find the time. 

Linky List:

Review - The Very First Bite

The Very First Bite
By Cynthia Langston
Publisher: Cynthia Langston
Pub. Date: August 8, 2012
ISBN: 978-061565409
Pages: 332
Buy Links: Paperback, Kindle

Last year, I reviewed the well written Bicoastal Babe by Cynthia Langston and I was sent the author's newest novel last week free of charge in exchange for my honest review. I enjoyed the author's first novel, so I was more than eager to start reading The Very First Bite. I know it sounds like the title of a vampire book, but there is no supernatural plot here.

Actually, the plot is very realistic involving a thirty-something-year-old Lanie Albers who is dreading, but somewhat looking forward to her upcoming fifteenth high school reunion, which is only ten weeks away. She can't fit into that old prom dress anymore as she has put on around twenty pounds extra weight and baggage over the years. She is not the kind of person who likes to exercise or diet, but she is desperate to try anything from extreme diets (Adkins, Nutrisystem, Organic, diet pills, etc), overcrowded gyms, to an at home yoga DVD.

Lanie's life isn't perfect as she has a dead-end job and a non-committing UPS driver boyfriend (Mark). She gets advice from her younger and thinner sister, Libby, and several friends, including the guy, Lance, who lives in her apartment building. Memories of the past keeping haunting her, mostly about her high school boyfriend, Chad, and her ex-best-friend, Candace, forcing her to fall off every diet she tries. Despite some setbacks, Lanie is determined to drop those twenty pounds so she can flaunt her new body at the reunion, but she might not have a date as things with Mark are quickly going down the toilet.