Friday, October 26, 2012

Pumpkin Madness by Melissa Stagi-Zepeda

Pumpkin Madness 

by Melissa Stagi-Zepeda

Year after year,

the pumpkins lived in fear.

Slicing, maiming, wrenching their guts,

I never considered them while I made cuts.

Madagascar 3 Combo Giveaway! Ends 10/31

The Friday 56 - A Merry Little Christmas

Grab a book, any book. 
Turn to page 56. 
Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you. 
Post it. 
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Book Blog Communities and Too Many Narrators

Question of the week: What are three of your favorite book blogs and/or communities?  Why do you like them?

My Answer: 1. Shelfari - I have all the books I own on there. I love the shelf widgets that I can display on my blog. 2. GoodReads - a great book community. It also has giveaways you can enter to get free books. 3. Book Blog Ning is a community for book blog reviewers. I have made several publisher/agent contacts from there. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

13 Days of Halloween: Horror Movies, Scary Books and Ghosts

by KC Hilton

When it comes to horror movies and books, I stay clear of them. I’m a regular scaredy-cat! I even sleep with a nightlight! Ohhh, but there are reasons for my fear, but I’ll get to that in just a moment. Recently, I’ve tried to break the scary feelings and have read a few books. I’ve always wondered how a person could read a scary/horror book without shutting their eyes, lol. I started with reading Graveminder by Melissa Marr. OK, this was a great book and I got through it, without any permanent damage, so I decided to read another book, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I made it through the Twilight series, so I thought I could handle this book. OK, it was a great book! I seriously loved it, but let me just say, it took me four days to read it and the first two nights I was scared to go to bed, lol. When I did finally go to bed, I pulled the covers nearly over my head! With all the facts woven into a Vampire story, well… It had me believing in Vampires! Yeah, it took me a while to get over it but I’m still here. Now, I want to see the movie! I’m not sure how that’s going to go, but I’m willing to give it a try.

On television, there is a channel that has a series about Ghost Stories. Now, I can watch those during the day, but not in the evening. Why? Because it’ll be the last thing on my mind when I go to bed! Needless to say, I wouldn’t get much sleep.

But why am I so afraid of scary books and movies? It goes back to my childhood. I blame it all on my father. It’s true! It’s funny really, but it seeded something in my mind and I can’t break it. When I was a young girl the horror movies like, Halloween (Michael Myers), Friday the 13th (Jason) and Nightmare on Elm St. (Freddy Krueger) were big hits. My brother and I had an early bedtime, like most kids do, but the problem was, my bedroom wall shared with the living room wall. In fact, my headboard was on that same wall. My father would watch the scary movies at night, thinking it was fine because the kids were in bed. I heard all the scary music, which usually lead up to the horrible screams. I started sleeping with a nightlight!

Review: Tombstones: The Last Drop

During the late 1980s to the middle 1990s, the horror genre was very popular in the middle grade and young adult market, many thanks to Point Horror, but there where other publishers that released horror books as well. Archway Paperbacks tried to release a new series titled "Tombstones", but only two books were brought out in 1995.

Jared Irving is determined to find out if the Full Moon Enterprises is dumping toxins into the local streams in Tombstones: The Last Drop. The Full Moon Enterprises is breaking federal laws by using deadly chemicals, but the town people seem to ignore it, or they just don't want to believe it as the company has brought in many new jobs for the area.

While getting samples at a nearby stream, Jared meets a creature of the night and it will be the last thing that he will ever see.

Review - Killer's Law by L. Ron Hubbard

Killer's Law
By L. Ron Hubbard
Directed by Jim Meskimen and Tait Ruppert
Voice Cast: Jennifer Darling, Brooke Bloom, Corey Burton, Bob Caso, R.F. Daley, John Mariano, Jim Meskimen, Enn Reitel, Richard Rocco and Tait Ruppert
Studio: Galaxy Press
ISBN-13: 978-1592122769
Release Date: October 22, 2012
Running Time: Approx. 2 hours


The 1930s and 1940s were known as the golden age, a time when many unknown writers published their work in Pulp Fiction magazines as they were paid around a penny a word. Unlike the higher-class magazines that were printed on glossy paper with higher production values, pulp magazines were published on cheap brown pulp paper and featured adventures, science fiction tales, mysteries, and many other stories.

Galaxy Press has been releasing the short stories written by author L. Ron Hubbard that were published during the golden age under the Stories of a Golden Age line of paperbacks and audiobooks. They nicely sent me a free audiobook of the "Killer's Law" for this review.

"Killer's Law" was originally published in the September 1947 issue of New Detective Magazine, where Sheriff Kyle travels from Deadeye, Nevada to Washington D.C. to personally deliver evidence against a rich copper king to Senator Meringue. Suddenly, Kyle is knocked unconscious. When he awakes he is surrounded by policemen asking questions and reporters snapping pictures. It seems that the Senator was murdered and Kyle is holding the murder weapon.