Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

DVD Review: Biggest Loser: Calorie Knockout

Biggest Loser: Calorie Knockout
Extreme Cardio For Maximum Burn
Workout Instructors: Bob Harper, Anna Kournikova and Dolvett Quince
Studio: Lionsgate
Release Date: December 6, 2011
Run Time: Approx. 61 minutes


I have nearly an arsenal of Tae Bo workout DVDs, but I like to mix things up and try something different, leading me to buy the Biggest Loser: Calorie Knockout on eBay. I've seen the occasional episode of the series, but I have never tried any of the workout DVDs, until now. The workout instructors are Bob Harper, Anna Kournikova and Dolvett Quince. The warm-up and cool-down are both short at five minutes. Each circuit is about fifteen minutes.

Circuit #1 is instructed by Anna Kournikova as she slowly takes you through a cardio-sculpt style workout with a little bit of Tae Bo thrown in. You do need some light dumbbells for the exercises. This is more of a warm-up than the actual warm-up. I was never aware that Anna was ever on the Biggest Loser. She may be easy on the eyes, but she isn't the best instructor.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

NuShape 30 Day Challenge & Giveaway

On my quest for a better me in 2013, I have teamed up NuShape (NuSirt Sciences) for a review and giveaway. I will be trying out a 30 days supply of their weight management dietary supplement, containing Vitamin B6 and L-leucine, starting today for the next 30 days. During this time I will be exercising daily and staying on a healthy diet.

I'm excited about starting this challenge. I'll be taking the tablets twice a day  and it is suppose to help increase the amount of fat I will burn off during exercising. Fifteen minutes of exercise is suppose to equal sixty minutes of fat burning, which can make you drop one pant size in a month. The supplement can help your lean muscles to use fat as energy without any unwanted side-effects.

Giveaway Details:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Review - TapouT XT: Extreme Training

Being a night owl, I happened to catch the infomercial for the 90 days home workout called TapouT XT: Extreme Training. Since I have slowly gotten myself back into an exercise routine, I became interested in this cardio intense workout program.

TapouT XT was created by Mike Karpenko and uses MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) style workouts to help you lose weight and build muscle over the 90 days schedule. The workouts are not meant to teach you any actually fighting or self-defense moves as they are meant to help you tone up.

The basic kit arrived fairly quickly by UPS in a black box with the TapouT logo printed on the packaging tape. The kit consist of the Strike Training DVD; a cardboard slip case to store the workout DVD cases; the twelve workouts on twelve DVDS; the 90 days workout schedule; the 48 pages Food Plan & Nutritional Guide; the twelve page 10-Day Slim Down Guide; the extreme resistance band; the leg training band; a TapouT XT sticker; and a TapouT XT towel. There are two DVDs in each slim case, helping you to save space and they are also easy to travel with.

The workouts range from 40 to 53 minutes, except for Buns and Guns XT that is 31 minutes and Ultimate Abs XT at 15 minutes.

The workouts are:

Cross Core Combat - This is the first workout on the schedule and it is not an easy one. I was covered with sweat by the end of the workout.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Review - 21: 2 Experts 1 Goal: 21 Days to Transform Your Body

21: 2 Experts 1 Goal: 21 Days to Transform Your Body
By Daniel Loigerot and Elina Kaminsky Rph. C.N.C. N.D.
Publisher: DL FIT
Pub. Date: August 10, 2012
ISBN: 978-0615680019
Pages: 250


2013 is upon us and that means people are starting (or attempting) their New Years Resolutions, so basically everyone has regrets of overeating during the holidays and wants to try work off those extra ten pounds in January. Recently I had the chance to review the fitness book 21 Days to Transform Your Body from DL FIT in exchange for my honest review.

Can a person really get into shape in 21 days?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Review - GSP's RUSHFIT

If you are just like me, then you've probably made a few New Year's Resolutions. One of the most poplar resolution craze is fitness, due the fact that all the department stores have exercise equipment and accessories on sale, and let’s face it; you'll probably have some guilt over eating that extra piece of fudge at Christmas.

Instead of waiting until after New Year's Day to start a new exercise routine, I wanted to start a new workout program, so I wouldn't have to be feel any guilt about indulging in a few cups of egg nog. I'm a night owl, which means I have seen countless infomercials, where I happen to catch the George St-Pierre's RUSHFIT 8 week- workout program advertisement. Yes, I know that there are many fitness infomercials out there, but RUSHFIT caught my eye as it didn't require any other equipment other than dumbbells (2 lbs - 25lbs), which I already own.

I received the workout program by UPS within a week, packaged in a cardboard box with the RUSHFIT logo printed on it containing the five DVD workouts (Full Body Strength & Conditioning; Abdominal Strength & Core Conditioning; The Fight Conditioning Workout; Strength & Endurance Workout; and the Explosive Power Training), the bonus DVD workouts (Balance & Agility and Stretching For Flexibility), the cardboard box case, 3 workout programs (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced), the Nutrition Guide, and the Workout Guide.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Review - PT 24/7

I've enjoyed doing Tae Bo for about two years now and I was excited to buy the PT 24/7 from an eBay store seller last year, which I paid around $55 for it new. It came in a nice packaging box and in it was the two gloves, bands, velcro foot straps, a workout calendar, a diet guide book, and the 7 30 minute DVD workouts.

The workouts are:



Combo Sculpt

Ripped Core

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DVD Review - Tae Bo Power

Unplanned, and at the last minute, I hopped over to my local Walmart. For some odd reason I glanced at the fitness section and there staring back at me was Billy Blanks. Not the real one. LOL. He was on the front cover of what I thought was the new DVD, which actually it was a cardboard box containing the new Taebo Power DVD and a pair of adjustable weighted gloves. I had to laugh and inspected the box as I had just ordered a pair of Everlast weighted gloves from an Ebay seller the night before. I glanced at the price and it was under $17 which wasn't bad considering that one exercise DVD cost at least $9, but this had the gloves. I was already aware that Tae Bo Power was being released, along with Cardio Explosion, on December 6. I'm not for sure if Walmart released this DVD early, or if the DVD/Glove set came out recently. It doesn't matter as I now have a new workout.