Sunday, September 26, 2021

{Sunday Post] - Aliens, Foundation's Edge, and Dune

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

Good Morning, Everyone! 



Guess what I found? Yep, I got my hands on a copy of the new trade paperback edition of the classic science fiction adventure Dune. Well, at least some people call it a classic. I tried to read it during my childhood and couldn't get into the story. From time and time, I keep hearing to give the series a chance, so that's what I'm going to do.  

Saturday, September 25, 2021

[Review] - Live and Let Die by Ian Fleming

What's your favorite James Bond movie? For me, it has to be 1973's Live and Let Die starring the late Sir Roger Moore in his 007 debut. I first got a glimpse of the film when it aired on TBS in the late 1980s. Now the keyword here is "glimpse." I was a little bitty kid back then. My dad was channel surfing, came across Life and Let Die, and watched a few minutes before switching over to something else. He's never cared much for Roger Moore's take on James Bond, which explains why he changed the channel. I was disappointed because the few minutes I viewed intrigued my interest. Luckily for me, in the 80s and early 90s, TBS reaired movies many, many times.

Friday, September 24, 2021

[Review] - Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

I grew up watching the James Bonds on TBS in the late '80s and early '90s, a time when cable television played good movies, so I was already a 007 fan when Goldeneye arrived in theatres in 1995. Despite my love for reading, I never attempted to own copies of the original Ian Fleming novels. Though I recall looking at a local library, and they didn't carry any of the titles. The only 007 book I read during my teenage years was the novelization of The World Is Not Enough by Raymond Benson in 1999. It wasn't until many years later that I started to run across 007 books at thrift stores. Since then, I've picked up paperbacks of Casino Royale, The Man With The Golden Gun, Doctor No, and Goldfinger.

{Book Blogger Hop} - Do You Prefer Traditional Publishing or Self-Publishing?

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop!

If you want to schedule next week's post in advance, click here for future prompts. To submit a prompt, please fill out this form


The Book Blogger Hop now has its own Facebook Group! Please join the group to get all the newest Book Blogger Hop updates and communicate with other book bloggers.

What To Do

1. Post an answer for the prompt. 

Are you more willing to read traditionally published books than self-published (Indie) books? Or do you not have a preference?

Submitted by Julie @ Stepping Stones Book Reviews.

2. Enter your Name/Nickname @ Blog Name and the direct URL to your post answering this week’s question linky list widget. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer


3. Please visit other blogs on the list and leave a comment on their BBH post.

{The Friday 56} - The Noise by James Patterson & J.D. Barker


Grab any book.
Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
Find any sentence (or more). Just don't spoil it.
Post it.
 Add your post URL in the Linky at

Their ruined clothing, sopped with dark, pulpy blood, twisted with crushed remains of their flesh.

page 56, "The Noise" by James Patterson and J.D. Barker

My Thoughts

Little, Brown and Company was supposed to have sent me a review copy of The Noise by James Patterson and J.D. Barker. Two weeks after the book's release date, I still hadn't received a copy. I contacted my PR contact and - nothing! I never received a reply. I ended up buying the book. Three chapters in, and I can already tell it's a YA story, even though the marketing stated it's an adult thriller.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

[Review] - Spiritual Wisdom for a Happier Life

Self-help books are a dime a dozen. There are way too many authors giving their opinions on how we should live our lives. Don't get me wrong, some of these books can be very helpful. And, the others are nothing more than a time-waster. Now, this brings me to Spiritual Wisdom for a Happier Life, a book that's been sitting on my desk collecting dust for nearly four years. Revell, a division of Baker publishing group, had sent me a paperback copy in autumn of 2017. Upon receiving it, I read a few chapters, became bored, and put it down. I didn't pick the book back up until September 2021. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

[Review] - The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner

I have had a paperback copy of The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck in my possession for quite a long time. I've attempted to read it on several occasions but lost interest within a few chapters. The author, Bethany Turner, is a fine writer. My major issues are with the characters and the pacing. My goal for this month was to review the stack of books piled up on a desk, and The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck happens to be one of those titles. So, I forced myself to read the entire thing.