Friday, July 6, 2012

Guest Post with author Sherry Gloag

Thank you for inviting me to visit with you today and to talk about the first two published books in my royal siblings, The Gasquet Princes, four book series.

When I started writing From Now Until Forever, published by Astraea Press, all I knew about it was that it should have a royal hero. I couldn’t ‘see’ my heroine, nor for that matter my hero, so I went for broke and started freewriting.

Melanie, my heroine turned up right away, and indicated this would be a short story geared towards an online site I’d submitted to in the past. I was given a scene through her eyes – well I was given a tiny snippet of scene, let’s be honest about it. All I knew, some guy with blond hair was getting shot at.

Not a lot to go on, but hey, I thought my word target was a tad over a thousand words, surely I’d get something. I did, but according to the ‘crit’ group I belong to while it captured their attention it wasn’t enough, they wanted more!

So I tried again and took it up to five thousand words, submitted it to a publisher looking for content for their anthology. At the same time a friend read it for me and said ‘she wanted it’ if the story was rejected. It was. So I went back to my friend, Kate, who promptly told me, ‘Good, but you have to extend it to fifteen thousand words.’

The Friday 56 - This Dark Earth

Grab a book, any book. 
Turn to page 56. 
Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you. 
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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Review - Beloved Enemy

Written by: AL LACY
ISBN: 978-1-590-52903-4
Pages: 356
Pub Date: 1994

    Jenny Jordan, the daughter of Colonel Jeffrey Jordan, takes a job as a sectary for the Senate Military Committee that was offered by the newly elected Abraham Lincoln, just as the Civil War begins. Soon she meets Corporal Francis “Buck” Brownell, who is part of the Zouave from New York. The Union soldier begins courting Jenny, which is somewhat of a problem because she is original from the southern state of Virginia.

    Before long, she finds out that her father is a spy for the Confederate, and he asks his daughter to help him take a message to the Confederate. Jenny loves her country and Buck, but she is devoted to her father and her home state of Virginia. She must become a Confederate spy, but she hopes she can still have a future with Buck.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Guest Spot with author Jana Richards

Canadian War Brides 

My novella ‘Home Fires’ tells the story of Anne Wakefield, a young British woman who travels to Canada after World War Two to marry her fiancé. Though Anne and her story are fictional, the phenomena of War Brides is not. Some 48,000 women married Canadian servicemen during the war. The majority of war brides were British, but some came from France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany. Between 1942 and 1947, these women, along with their 22,000 children, traveled to Canada to begin their new lives.

 Canadian servicemen arrived in Britain in 1939, shortly after war was declared, and remained until after the end of the war. Because they were there so long, the inevitable happened – they met and fell in love with local girls. Almost every British man of marriageable age had been called up for service, leaving a huge gap that Canadian troops gladly filled. Their funny accents and the extra cash in their pockets probably made them exceedingly attractive.

Some were married after quick, whirlwind romances. Others had the luxury of getting to know each other before they tied the knot. But for all these couples, marriage was the only answer. The customs of the day demanded that if they wanted to sleep together, they had to be married. And so they did. The times were perilous with no guarantee of a tomorrow. A sense of urgency compelled them to grab all the happiness they could while they were able.

Review - Creepy Presents Richard Corben

Pub Date: JULY 24, 2012
ISBN:  9781595829191
Contributors: Richard Corben, Al Hewetson, Bill DuBay, Bruce Jones, Budd Lewis, Donald F. McGregor; Doug Moench, Gerald Conway, Grerry Boudreau, Greg Potter, Jack Butterworth, Jim Stenstrum, Rich Margopoulos, Roger McKenzie; and Steve Skeates

    Dark Horse Comics has compiled together the best stories from comic book artist Richard Corben that appeared in the Creepy and Eerie series. I requested to review an Advanced Reader's Copy from NetGalley because Richard Corben is from my home state of Missouri, and I was aware of his fun and weird illustrations. Besides from the artwork, Richard also wrote some of the stories that he illustrated.

This edition includes the following stories:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Review & Giveaway - Emerald City Dreamer

Written by: LUNA LINDSEY
Pages: 379
Pub Date: March 15th, 2012

    I didn’t know what to except when I signed up to review Emerald City Dreamer, Book One in the Dreams by Streetlight series, courtesy of Bewitching Book Tours. With the cool cover of the woman carrying a sword and guitar, I obviously thought the book would be about a rocker/vampire hunter, but I was wrong. Here we get a gothic rocker Jina, who runs a support group with her friend Sandy. Is this a support group for alcoholics? Not even close. It’s a support group for anyone who has been traumatized by faeries. Yes, I said faeries. And let’s just say they get a wide varieties into the group, some that have experienced other supernatural events, and some are fakes or crazies. On a rare occasion they find someone that has either seen a faerie or has been victimized by one.

    The support group is just a cover as Jina and Sandy are really looking for recruits for their secret order, which involves tracking down and killing the faeries!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Guest Spot with Author Marsha A. Moore

The Paired Lovers’ Jadestones 
by Marsha A. Moore 

The Enchanted Bookstore Legends are about Lyra McCauley, a woman destined to become one of five strong women in her family who possess unique magical abilities and serve as Scribes in Dragonspeir. The Scribes span a long history, dating from 1200 to present day. Each Scribe is expected to journey through Dragonspeir, both the good and evil factions, then draft a written account. Each book contains magic with vast implications.

Lyra was first introduced to Dragonspeir as a young girl, when she met the high sorcerer, Cullen Drake, through a gift of one of those enchanted books. Using its magic, he escorted her into the parallel world of Dragonspeir. Years later, she lost that volume and forgot the world and Cullen. These legends begin where he finds her again—she is thirty-five, standing in his enchanted bookstore, and Dragonspeir needs her.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Friday 56 - Pigeon Pie Mystery

Grab a book, any book. 
Turn to page 56. 
Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you. 
Post it. 
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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Guest Post with Linda Wood Rondeau

PTSD and the Christian 

In my thirty-year career in human services, I often counseled people experiencing PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). These issues are explored in my writings. The Other Side of Darkness is more than a romantic suspense. It is the story of believers who struggle to overcome significant past pain interfering with a full and satisfying spiritual life in the present.

Samantha Knowles is a victim of child abuse. She has trouble sleeping and is an overachiever. She strives to find purpose in her pain through her career as a Special Victims Prosecutor. However, she fails to recognize how she uses her position to exact revenge rather than the positive change she desires. In order to move from darkness to light, Sam must confront her post traumatic stress. Only when she surrenders her past to God is she able, with His help, to move from darkness to Light.

Review - Hope Springs

Written by: KIM CASH TATE
Published by: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 978-1-59554-997-6
Pages: 328
Pub Date: June 12, 2012

Becca Anderson has the chance to boost her career when she is invited to be the newest speaker at the Christian Women’s Conference. Her father-in-law suddenly dies, leaving her future in jeopardy as her husband feels he needs to pastor his father’s church in the small town of Hope Springs, NC.

Widowed Janelle Evans has lost her faith and is somewhat dreading going back to Hope Springs for a family reunion as this is the first without her late husband. Soon after arriving, she is reintroduced to the Sanders clan and learns that her grandmother is sick, resulting in her deciding to stay longer than she had planned.

Janelle’s Cousin Stephanie Landon is married to a doctor in St. Louis, and comes to the family reunion too. She also decides to stay a bit longer and help Janelle care for their grandmother.