Showing posts with label revolt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label revolt. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Revolt Journey: Week 3

Wow, I can't believe another week has gone by. That means there are only three more weeks of the six-week Revolt program from Nichole Huntsman. My muscles were sore from weeks one and two, but I've started to adjust to everything and I'm no longer sore.

I've been trying my best to stay by the diet, though I have occasional snacked around (don't worry it was nothing fattening or sugary). I've been eating more fruit (which I've been lacking) and more salads. I received two new sport bottles at the end of last week and I've been using them during my workouts, so I've been slowly adding more water in my daily diet.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Revolt Journey: Week 2

After a full day of rest on Sunday, my official second week of the Revolt fitness workout program from Nichole Huntsman began. Spring is nearly here and I'm already battling allergies, but I didn't let that stop me from working out.

Just like the first week, there are many squats in every circuit (which there are two to three circuits that you repeat twice) and a few lunges. Let's just say my gluts were on fire on Wednesday, which was a much need rest day. There were several exercises that I never tried before, like Thrusters and Russian Twists. The workouts ranges from twenty to thirty minutes, but don't let the time fool you as you will workout your entire body.

Unlike some programs that give you only a basic guideline of what to eat, everything in Revolt is planned out for you. The thought of changing your diet may scare you, but you don't have to starve to death. You just have to make better choices. One of my new habits is eating a full breakfast, like the Power Pancakes. You actually get five meals a day, which is more than what I was eating before.

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Revolt Journey: Week One

I was one of the lucky bloggers who got a chance to participate in the new six-week exercise program called Revolt with Nicole Huntsman. The fitness instructor was just like everyone else as she was tired of being unhealthy and revolted against it. Now she is helping others with the Revolt program, which consists of 24-45 minute workouts and a healthy diet plan.

My blog readers know that I have been trying to get into shape for several months now, so I was exited to learn that I was one of the few bloggers that got to try out the program. My ultimate goal is to lose at least forty-five pounds so I can wear my smaller shirts and jeans again, which would help me save money because I don't want to buy bigger clothes again.