Showing posts with label exercising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercising. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2015

YogaHands - Hand Strengthener & Exerciser Review

Spending a lot of time typing, writing reviews, blogging, etc., puts a lot of strain on my fingers. One of my hobbies is cross stitching (Yep, I know how to use a needle & thread.), but I haven't bee working on any projects lately as my fingers like to cramp up on me. 

That being said, I was eager to try out the YogaHands - Hand Strengthener & Exerciser that I received in the mail to review this month.

The creators of YogaToes®, YogaHands is made from a polycarbonate housing and articulating low-density foam wedges.

What are YogaHands for?

Well, YogaHands are meant to stretch out your fingers. It's very simple to use. All you have to do is to slip your fingers in between the foam wedges and leave them there for fifteen-minutes. It can help with arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and chronic hand cramping.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Muscle Mauler Max Review

I'm sure almost everyone has heard of a foam roller, which is used by physical therapists and athletes to massage overused muscles. The rollers can be purchased anywhere that carries fitness products.

Recently, I received the Muscle Mauler Max, a deep tissue foam roller, which is made by Master Of Muscle.

While most foam rollers are made from
100% foam, the Muscle Mauler Max has EVA foam built around a 24" x 5" long heavy plastic pipe. What makes this standout from other rollers is it's unique bumpy matrix design, which will reach greater dual pressure zones, giving your muscles the ultimate massage.

It can be used on your neck, knees, quads, lower and upper back, shoulders and hamstrings to help to get rid of any kinks you might have from exercising. It can also be used as way to stretch your body out before running, yoga, Pilates, cross fitness, P90X and any other workout program.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Review - Fit Evolution Steel Strong

I started out the beginning of the year with several "A New Me In 2015" posts, whichfeatured several health and fitness releated products reviews. I guess I must be procrastinating as I received the Fit Evolution program at the end of December and I'm just now getting around to writing a review for it.

It seems that everybody is on the go these days, so many people just don't have time to get a full hour workout at the gym. Fit Evolution is a six-week program with each workout lasting around 10 -12 minutes. There is no equipment or weights needed for any of the routines.

The workouts include:

Week 1 - Get Ready / Get Ripped
Week 2 - Tight N Toned / Firm N Fine
Week 3 - Serious Strength / Steel Strong
Week 4 - Get Ready II / Get Ripped II
Week 5 - Tight N Toned II / Firm N Fine II
Week 6 - Serious Strength II / Steel Strong

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Strength Stack 52 Complete Pack Review

Since I began my fitness craze earlier this year, I've the opportunity to review several different fitness related products. Last month, I received the Strength Stack 52 Complete Pack!

What exactly is a Strength Stack 52 Complete Pack?

Stack 52 is a fitness game that was created by scientist and military fitness expert Sergeant Michael Volkin, whom was awarded a medal for the diet and exercise programs he designed for the troops. The exercise games have been sold in over 24 countries.

I was sent the Complete Pack, which features the entire Strength Stack 52 Series, the Quick Sweat Dice, and the Weight Loss Stack 52 Deck, a total of 114 different body-weight exercises. The Quick Sweat Dice will help you keep score against your family and friends. The Weight Loss Stack 52 set will help you make better habits, like drinking 16 oz of water before eating a meal and help you stop eating snack foods directly from the package. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Styles II Fitness Massage Body Stick Roller Review

When I started 2015, my main priority was to get into shape, but I've had several setbacks, include a few muscle strains and a few colds. Now, there isn't much I can do from preventing myself from catching the cold or flu, but I can help get rid or even prevent muscle strains without having to go to an expensive chiropractor or a massage therapist.

Earlier this month, I was sent the Styles II Fitness Massage Body Stick Roller to try out. The roller is basically an 18 inch metal bar with seven white rollers and black rubber handles on each end.

The roller is an effective therapy tool for muscle strains, pains and trigger points. It helps break down soft tissue, increases blood flow and increases circulation.