Friday, September 30, 2022

{Book Blogger Hop}—Skipping Ahead to Read the Ending

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What To Do

1. Post your response to the question. 

Have you ever skipped ahead to read the ending?

Submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer.

2. In the linky list widget, enter your name or nickname @ Blog Name and the direct URL to your post answering this week's question. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer


3. Please go to the other blogs on the list and comment on their BBH post.



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4. Visit the social media accounts of other bloggers, leave comments on their posts, and possibly become a new follower.

  Billy's Answer

I'm sure I've skipped ahead to read the ending of a book at least once or twice, though no specific title comes to mind right now. I don't want to make it a habit since it eliminates the suspense and mystery of the "denouement."

Linky List



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  1. I don't think I've ever skipped ahead. I've maybe felt the temptation, but that usually just made me want to just keep reading. I do agree that it would completely take the suspense out of reading a book! Thanks for hosting and have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. I do skip ahead sometimes and take a quick peek at the end. Usually in fantasy novels to check that the author hasn't killed anybody off that I care about.

  3. What Janette said. If a book is really, really suspenseful, I might sneak a tiny peek to make sure a character I care about makes it out okay. But that doesn't happen very often. I usually just stay up past my bedtime to see what happens!

  4. I've never really done this myself. Because yeah, spoilers. Lol. I do occasionally flip to see how many pages are left in the chapter or til the end of the book to determine if I'm track to finishing it by a certain date or whatever. But never for spoilery reasons.

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I used to skip ahead when I was younger. I would then still read everything up to the end to see how it came to pass. I don't do it now - unless I see something on the last page when I am looking to see how many pages the book has.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  6. I agree with you about the suspense and mystery! :-)

  7. I skip ahead when I'm bored and a book feels like a slog. My tbr is too full to drag myself through because a book isn't interesting me. I'd rather get it over with quickly and move on to the next adventure.

    Morgan @ Disorderly Daydreams

  8. I do this a lot, if I’m curious if something will work out in the plot or when I’m buying books and not sure if I’ll like it enough to buy it

  9. I may skim to get to the end, but I have never purposely read the ending pages before I was done.

    I usually skim when the book is not something I am enjoying.

  10. I know people do this, but I just can't see why.


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