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1. Post an answer for the prompt.
Have you ever read a book on Halloween? If so, what was the title?
Submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer.
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Billy's Answer
I don't recall ever reading a book on Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. Typically, I'm decorating, bagging candy, carving pumpkins, and roasting pumpkin seeds. (Excluding 2020 and probably 2021 because of COVID-19.) And I catch a few minutes of the Halloween movies marathon on AMC. So, bascially, I don't have time to read. As for back in my school days, typically, Halloween was a half-day. Add in the annual Halloween party during my elementary years, and there wasn't much time reading books. Though, I might've had to read a chapter or two for a literature class in high school. If that was the case, I have no clue what the title would have been.
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I guess for me it just depended. I mean my night wasn't spent reading. If it was a weekday I might have read in the daytime at work or school. So technically I was reading on Halloween. But yeah, I don't read on Halloween night. I usually have something going on whether it's handing out candy or just hanging out with family.
ReplyDeleteHere's my BBH
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I use to love Halloween but just not as much I used to. I have never heard of roasting pumpkin seeds. Hope you have a great weekend and Halloween!
ReplyDeleteI’m more of a Christmas fan myself haha! While I would definitely go around with my siblings to get candy as a kid, I always had a book in hand :)
ReplyDeleteHalloween isn't such a big deal in the UK, it's more popular amongst the younger generations, though my kids (18 and 21) have never really bothered with it. It wasn't even a "thing" when I was young, we were out asking for a "penny for the guy" (based on Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night).
ReplyDeleteI am a reader, I read everywhere and every day... I wake up and read, read during the day and read before bed... so Halloween is no different :)