Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Show Your American Pride with a Flag!

2020 is only halfway through, but it's already been a tough year for everyone with all the chaos around the world. Here in the United States of America, the 4th of July is less than two weeks away. Yeah, I know, I can hardly believe it myself; mostly thanks to the lack of firework stands because of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Many people won’t be attending any 4th of July events because of the social distancing issue, but you can still show your American pride by displaying a flag on your porch, in a yard, or a flower garden. No, you don’t have to hang up an American Flag, as you can put out Military Flags or Civil Service Flags instead. For example, if you are a veteran you can hang up Marine Corps Veteran Flags, Navy Flags, or Army Veteran Flags on your property. These flags can be purchased at Flags Unlimited.

I am not a veteran, so I prefer to display an American Flag on Memorial Day, 4th of July, September 11th, and Veteran’s Day to show my support and respect for and our Armed Forces and all Americans.

Not everyone can afford a flag, especially in the dreary times we are living in, so if you have the extra cash, please give a flag to a veteran, the elderly, a friend, or family member. If they don’t already own a flagpole, there are smaller flags available that come pre-installed on a plastic or wooden rod. Or you can also buy them a flag pole.

Giving a flag is a kind gesture that can put a smile on a face.