Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Review - Garden of Heaven

Garden of Heaven: an OdysseyGarden of Heaven: An Odyssey
BY: Malcolm R. Campbell
PUBLISHED BY: Vanilla Heart Publishing
ISBN: 978-1453601990
Pages: 708
Reviewed by Billy Burgess
In Malcolm Campbell’s fourth novel, you are introduced to David on his tenth birthday, when his grandmother, Katoya, passes on her wisdom and magic as a gift. She, along with a black raven named Maisto, teaches him the secret of magic, and guides him as he grows into adulthood. David believes in common sense and respects his parents and grandparents, but after the Vietnam War, he finds himself lost and confused, especially after a failed romance. Not knowing what his future holds, he travels across the world, where he meets strange and interesting characters, letting fate guide him to his destiny.

Honestly, it took me several hundred pages to get interested into this epic-size novel, from then on; I was hooked until the very end. As the title suggests, this is an odyssey, but it is also a character study, of the young man named David. Readers can easily connect with David’s questions and journeys of life. Garden of Heaven is a long read, but it is a pleasure to read. I recommend the book to everyone.

*I would like to thank the author for sending me a copy to review.

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