Friday, April 5, 2024

{Book Blogger Hop} — Book-It!

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop!

To plan the post for next week in advance, go here for upcoming prompts. You must complete this form to submit a prompt. 


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What To Do

1. Post your response to the question. 

In elementary school, did you participate in the Book-It! reading program?

Submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer.

2. In the linky list widget, enter your name or nickname @ Blog Name and the direct URL to your post answering this week's question. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer


3. Please go to the other blogs on the list and comment on their BBH post.



1. You can respond to the prompt in a YouTube Vlog.

2. Use the hashtags #bookbloggerhop and #coffeeramblings to share your response on Facebook (@coffeeaddictedwriter) and Twitter (@coffeeramblings).

3. Copy and paste this week's prompt image and share it on Instagram with your prompt response. Use the following hashtags: #bookbloggerhop #coffeeeramblings Make sure to include my handle: @coffeeramblings

4. Visit the social media accounts of other bloggers, leave comments on their posts, and possibly become a new follower.

  Billy's Answer

I remember participating in the Book-It! reading program, but I'm not sure which grade I was in. I think it was either 3rd or 4th, but I'm not certain if there were more grades involved. The program required me to read a certain number of books per semester, and I had to fill out a form with the book titles that I had read and have my mother sign it. Then I would turn it into my teacher. For every few books I read, I would receive a coupon for a free personal pizza at Pizza Hut. Additionally, I was given a giant button, and little sticker stars were placed on it to show my progress. Does this sound accurate to you?

Linky List



NAME: Your first name or nickname @ Blog title

Please include a link to your blog hop post in your submission. 

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Social Media

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  1. I do remember a Pizza Hut related one. I guess the personal pizza one is more likely...for some reason I thought we had it as a classroom pizza party...but I'm not totally sure! I know we used to have a 600 minute reading program where we if read for 600 minutes in the time frame and noted what books those were we'd get a ticket to Six Flags! I think this tended to occur in spring I want to say, just as the park was opening for the season basically!

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yes, there is a class party at the end of the year if all the students meet their reading goals. I don't remember what the goal was. I know the program was in at least the 4th grade because I missed the pizza party because I had the chickenpox. I remember my mother went to pick up my homework for the day (it was on a Friday), and the teacher gave her two slices of pizza on a paper plate for me.

  2. It sounds good. When I was at school there wasn't anything like that. My son is in his second year at school and there isn't that sort of scheme. There is a prize at the end of the year for a random child if they have read so many books 🤔

    Have a good weekend!

  3. I remember this as a teacher, but not as a student. Have a great weekend! :)

  4. I don't think it was called Book-It, but i was in a summer reading program in elementary school. And though I was voracious about reading i remember being disappointed because I was always coming in 2nd to another student whose name i don't remember.


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