Ordinary Angels, based on remarkable real events, follows Sharon (Hilary Swank), a fiery but struggling hairdresser in small-town Kentucky, who gains a newfound sense of purpose when she meets Ed (Alan Ritchson), a widower trying hard to provide for his two kids. As his youngest daughter awaits a liver transplant, Sharon resolves to support the family and will stop at nothing to make it happen. What follows is an uplifting story of faith, miracles, and ordinary angels.
Please help us make the impossible possible. Every dollar you contribute reduces $100 of medical debt. Our goal, in conjunction with RIP Medical Debt, is to eliminate $10,000,000 in medical debt. Relieving debt is a gift that transforms lives, and every dollar counts. Visit ordinaryangels.movie/rip to find out more.
The rules are simple:
- the giveaway is "only" for USA residents
- 1 winner
- must be 18 to enter giveaway ends 3/1
I so want to see this movie with my family. I so love true stories and this one sounds amazing.
ReplyDeleteheather hgtempaddy
This looks like a really good movie.
ReplyDeletelooks nice
ReplyDeleteThis looks so good. About time we see some positive message movies!
ReplyDeleteI would like to see this movie.