Friday, December 31, 2021

{The Friday 56} - Star Trek: Probe


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His tone and bearing as he had swaggered into Hiran's quarters—and Hiran had rarely been proven wrong in his readings of such things—had told him as much, and the so-called "briefing paper" the aide had thrust at Hiran had only further lowered the commander's opinion.

page 56, "Star Trek: Probe" by Gene DeWeese

My Thoughts

12/29/21 - I'm either already reading Star Trek: Probe or will be soon. It's a direct sequel to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Margaret Wander Bonanno received credit for writing the novel, but Gene DeWeese actually wrote it. Bonanno wrote the first draft but got rejected by Gene Roddenberry's office. Then, Pocket Books hired DeWeese to rewrite the novel. He didn't get credited as the author. Before he jumped on board, Pocket Books had already finalized the cover with Bonanno's name on it. DeWeese gets mentioned in the "Thank You" portion of the book.


  1. Ooof that's kinda rough, to rewrite an entire novel but not get any credit except a tiny Thank You that hardly any reader really takes the time to read... Hopefully DeWeese at least got paid properly xD If you've already started this one then hopefully you're enjoying it! I hope you have a lovely weekend and a great New Year's Eve!
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

    1. I believe DeWeese got paid a flat rate for his rewrite.

      I bought Star Trek: Probe recently on eBay. I've never read it before.

  2. I want to get back to my science fiction roots in 2022.

    1. I'm planning on reading more Star Trek novels throughout 2022.

  3. Replies
    1. Bonanno passed away earlier this year. She disowned the novel. At one time, she had her first draft, titled The Music of the Spheres, available on her now-defunct website. I don't know if she got paid for the story idea or not. DeWeese passed away in 2012. From my understanding, Pocket Books gave him a flat fee for the rewrite.

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, it's probably brutal at times, especially with tie-in novels.


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