Friday, April 17, 2020

The Friday 56 - If It Bleeds by Stephen King


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Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, but it's always a pig face.
56%, If It Bleeds by Stephen King


My Thoughts

I received an ARC of If It Bleeds by Stephen King a few days ago! It's now on my Kindle, so I can start reading it over the weekend.


  1. Looks spooky, I've never read a King book. I've never been sure where to start or if I would like any of his books.
    My Friday: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. If It Bleeds has 4 novellas in it.

      I would recommend starting with Stephen King's The Shining, which is one of my favorite books.

  2. I just added this to my wishlist yesterday! How the heck did you get an early copy?! I'm jelly!!! :-) I added you to the linky. Happy weekend, stay safe!

    1. Originally, If It Bleeds was going to be released in May, however, it was later moved to April 21st. I sent a review request to the publisher and was sent a NetGalley link to download the ebook.

  3. I can't wait to read your thoughts on it! You can always count on Stephen King for good horror :)
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair

  4. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to add this to my tbr!

    Check out my Friday spotlight and my review of Shorefall

    1. Have you read Stephen King before? If so, what's your favorite King novel?

      My favorite is The Shining.


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