Friday, October 5, 2018

Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Edition! - October 5th - 11th

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Welcome Ghouls and Goblins
to the
Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Edition!
If you want schedule next week's thrilling question, click here to find the next prompt fright-fest. 
To submit a question, fill out this form.

How to participate in this week's creepy meme:

1. Post on your blog answering this haunt:

  It's getting close to Halloween. If you HAD to read one of these two genres, which would you prefer -- urban fantasy, or horror, and why?

(This week's question is submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books.)

2. Enter the link to your terrifying tale in the haunting list below (enter your Blog Name and the direct link to your post answering this week’s question. Failure to do so will result in a curse).


3. Visit other haunters in the list and comment on their posts. Try to spend some time on the blogs reading other posts and possible become a new creeper.  The purpose of the hop is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

Billy's Answer!

I would rather read a good old fashioned horror novel in the vein of Stephen King or John Saul. Horror is scarier than urban fantasy.

Linky List:

URL: Link to your blog hop post
Name: Your first name @ Title of your blog

get the InLinkz code


  1. Yup me to I am going to read Horror books this year as well. Happy Blog Hopping.

    1. I have big pile of horror books that I will start reading next week.

  2. Definitely horror for me too. Have a great weekend. - Katie

  3. I'm not real big on the scary ones myself. Though I can do better with horror books than horror movies! Lol! Definitely more of an Urban Fantasy reader!

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. It doesn't matter anymore tbh. Scary or not; as long as it's good lol. I am going to watch Sabrina when it comes out. Can't wait for that. Oct 26th (?)

    1. Yeah, I think the new Sabrina series starts on Netflix at the end of the month. The Haunting of Hill House series starts Oct. 12th.

  5. I picked horror as well :) UF is too hit to miss for me.

  6. I chose UF, but I do enjoy horror as well

  7. Replies
    1. The Shining is one my favorite books. I haven't read the last three books by Stephen King, but I do own them.

  8. Yes, horror is scarier than urban fantasy. That's PRECISELY why I refuse to read it, lol. I can't stand the feeling of fear and helplessness in the face of evil that you find in every single horror novel. Not my cup of tea! :)

    There have been two exceptions to my dislike of this genre. The first one, "The Forbidden Game", by L.J. Smith (of "The Vampire Diaries" fame) also contained paranormal romance, and is a collection of previously-published YA novels. I think I kept on reading because of the romance! Lol.

    The second, "Dread Nation", by Justina Ireland, is not really all that scary. In fact, I would classify it as "horror lite". Lol. What I LOVED about it was its scathing satire, which strongly condemns racism. Also, the female MC is a very strong, feminist leader. LOVED that!! This book, too, is a YA novel.

    So, for me, UF is preferable. I think the plots, characterizations, and world-building are much more interesting. But hey, there's room for all kinds of reading tastes in "the bookworm universe", right? :)

    Thanks for sharing! Thanks as well for commenting on my own BBH post!! <3 :)

    1. I started watching horror movies when I was a seven-year-old, so horror stories don't scare too much. I like horror novels that are well-written with great descriptions.

    2. I have noticed, with the few horror novels I've read, that they are indeed very well written. I'm just TOO squeamish! Lol.

      Hope you continue to enjoy your horror books!! And Happy Halloween!!

      P.S. I added the following to my reply to your comment on my blog, but I'll add it here, too: I used the Halloween logo you created for the October 2016 BBH posts, instead of the new one you have this year. That's because my posts have a dark background, so the new logo wasn't showing up very well. Besides, I do prefer the one from 2016. :)

  9. Do you know what's funny?

    Today I picked up a paperback at the thrift store called "Watchers in the Night" by Jenna Black, which happens to be a paranormal romance.

    1. Ooooh, FABULOUS!!! I hope you enjoy it!! I'm going to check it out!! I LOVE paranormal romance!!!! Thanks for posting this!! <3 <3 :) :)


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