Growing Up Ziglar
BY: Julie Ziglar Norman
PUBLISHED IN: May 1, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8249-4531-2
Pages: 187
Growing Up Ziglar is by author Julie Ziglar Norman, the daughter of the writer and motivator speaker Zig Ziglar. In this motivational and inspirational book, Julie tells us her life story. Obviously, one would think living in the Ziglar household she would be the perfect daughter, following by the rules, but just like everyone else, she is not perfect. In the book, you will read about her trouble marriages, what is like to be a single parent, and finally finding God’s grace and forgiveness.
About the Author:
Julie Ziglar Norman is the daughter of Zig Ziglar and worked for twenty years as his personal editor. With a background in sales and business management, she has become a dynamic international motivational speaker. Julie lives in Texas with her husband, Jim, and continues the Ziglar legacy of encouragement through The Ziglar Woman Faith and Family Conferences.
Great review! I'll have to check this one out - thank you for sharing! :)