Sunday, July 22, 2012

Review - The Sweet Life #3: Too Many Doubts

Sweet Valley Confidential: The Sweet Life #3 : Too Many Doubts
By: Francine Pascal
Published by: St. Martin’s Griffin
Pub Date: July 22, 2012
Pages: 92

    After finding out where his accuser, Robin, lived, and in a drunken rage, Bruce Patman bangs upon the accusers house demanding answers. What he gets is a night in jail. The media goes berserk with it, forcing Bruce to step down as president of his company's board. Worst yet, he may have lost his only love, Elizabeth Wakefield.

    Elizabeth is going through an emotional rollercoaster herself, as she wonders whether her boyfriend is a rapist. Surely, he did not attack this poor young woman, whom she is starting to believe is telling the truth. Could one of Bruce’s enemies, like Rick Warren, be behind this? On the other hand, does Bruce have a dark side?

Review - Yahoo! Income

Yahoo! Income: How Anyone of Any Age, Location, and/or Background Can Build a Highly Profitable Online Business with Yahoo!
Written by: Dana E. Blazis and Sharon L Cohen
Published by: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.
Pub Date: 2009
Pages: 334

Yahoo! blasted onto the worldwide net in 1994 and has grown into much more than just a search engine, by providing a new unique ways for people to purchase products and services from anywhere around the world.

Yahoo! Income: How Anyone of Any Age, Location, and/or Background Can Build a Highly Profitable Online Business with Yahoo! is written in nonprofessional’s terms, so anyone with any educational background can learn how to get the best experience on there. Yahoo! helps businesses connect with new customers, and some businesses earn close to one million dollars a year by using these services.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Guest Post with author Louisa Bacio

Writing Time 

by Louisa Bacio

Lights darkened. Quiet settles through the house. An occasional snore breaks the silence. Finally, I’m able to breathe. It’s past midnight, and it’s writing time!

As a mother, it’s a tough sell to my kids. I’d like to go “off-duty” around 10 p.m. The late nights during the summer, though, kills the curfew. They sleep in later, which means they stay up later. No idea where they inherited the trait to be night-owls-in-training. (Not me! *cough*)

So when I get up by 7:30 every morning, how do I manage to stay up until 2 a.m. working? Ah, the joys of caffeine. Yes, I can relate to a Coffee Addicted Writer. I’m right there with you – hooked.

A certain type of peace exists at this time of the evening. Not only does the inside quiet down, but the world outside does, too. There are no interruptions by telemarketing fools trying to remodel our home, or sell the latest season at the philharmonic. I don’t hear from recordings pimping a political candidate. And certainly, no one knocks on the door to give me some “free” discount pizza coupons, or to lure me into a new religion.

At the end of the day, the mental to-do list has been put on the backburner. Even if something hasn’t gotten done, by a certain time I give myself the night off (and the item moves to tomorrow). Ever weigh what’s actually important to get done? Amazing how when time gets tight, suddenly making that pizza dough isn’t as necessary as finishing some grades. (And many stores now sell some awesome ready-made dough.)

Review - The Great Secret

The Great Secret
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Published By: Galaxy Press
ISBN: 978-1592122493
Pub Date: September 8, 2008
Approx. 2 hours

The Great Secret is one of five audiobooks that Galaxy Press sent to me free of charge for an honest review. These audios are from the Stories of the Golden Age, which represents the periods of the 1930s and 40s. During the years, writers such as L. Ron Hubbard published numerous short stories in pulp magazines. Included in each two CD set is a thirty-seven page booklet about L. Ron Hubbard.

Bruce Boxleitener, who starred in such popular television shows as Scarecrow and Mrs. King and Babylon 5, narrates The Great Secret that was originally published in the April 1973 issue of Science Fiction Stories. While searching for the mythological city Parva, a starship crashes leaving only one survivor, Fanner Marston, who wants to control the universe. He has heard the stories of The Great Secret that lies within the walls of Parva and he knows that city really does exist. The Sun’s rays are extremely hot on this unknown planet. He has no supplies, and he could die of thirst at any minute, but obsession with power force him to beat the odds as he continues the search for the great city.

Review - The Messenger

The Messenger
By: Siri Mitchell
Publisher: Bethany House
Pub Date: March 1st, 2012
ISBN: 978-0764207969
Pages: 384

    In this Christian historical novel, set during the Revolutionary War, Hannah Sunderland is devoted to her Quaker faith, in which she is not to get involved in political affairs, the war, or her twin brother, who joined the Colonial effort, but is now in a prison cell. She wants to stay loyal to her faith, but she so desperately wants to help him.

    Jeremiah Jones served as a soldier during the French and Indian War, in which he was severely injured. Medical supplies were limited due to the British involvement, resulting in Jeremiah losing his arm. He now spends his day’s bartending at a Pub, where he happens to come across Hannah, who wants him to help her break her brother and the other Colonial prisoners out of the jail.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Review - Inescapable

Written by: NANCY MEHL
Published by: BETHANY HOUSE
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0927-7
Pages: 336
Pub Date: 2012

    In book one of the Road to Kingdom series, Lizzie Engle is a single mother living in Kansas City working at the Harbor House. Money is tight, but she is able to get by. When her boss becomes ill and takes a leave from work, the new boss, Reba, accuses her of stealing money, in which she did not take. To make things worse, there has been a stranger following her and leaving her strange notes.

    Afraid that charges will be pressed against for the crime she did not commit, Lizzie and her five-year-old daughter Charity pack up their belongings and drive to the small (really small) Mennonite town of Kingdom, Kansas. Five years earlier Lizzie promised herself that she would not return home, as her elder father was very strict in the old school Mennonite ways.

Review - Blood and Whiskey

Blood and Whiskey: A Cowboy and Vampire Thriller
By: Clark Hays & Kathleen McFall
Publisher: Pumpjack Press
Pub Date: April 20, 2012
ISBN: 978-0983820017
Pages: 362

    Lizzie’s life has recently turned bizarre as she has become a newbie vampire and to top that off she is carrying Tucker’s child, in which he insists that they tie knot. Of all the places in the world to live, she is living in the small town of Lonepine, Wyoming, population 438. Since her father is deceased, she is forced to become the Queen Vampire, but in order to keep the throne she must impress the corrupted Council of Nine by turning a human into a vampire.

    Despite being a creature of the night, she is disgusted by the taste of blood, even the new manufactured kind. If Lizzie cannot turn a human into one of her own, then chaos will be released upon Earth, and the Reptile clan will rise to power bringing death to the humans.