Thursday, January 6, 2011

Review - Colby Agency - Christmas Miracles: Colby Brass

Colby Brass (Harlequin Intrigue Series)Colby Agency - Christmas Miracles: Colby Brass
BY: Debra Webb
PUBLISHED BY: Harlequin Intrigue
ISBN: 978-0-373-74562-3
Pages: 281
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

Victoria Colby, the owner of the detective agency, steps outside to find an injured woman asking for help - her ex has kidnapped her daughter. She assigns the case to Trinity Barrett and his ex-wife Evonne Cassidy, an Equalizer. The Colby had just merged with another agency, the Equalizers.

Trinity and Evonne search the Chicago streets for the missing girl. Only to find out that there are other girls missing as well. They must put aside their rocky past and trust each other as the go undercover to stop the kidnappers.

Colby Brass is categorized as romance suspense, but there was very little romance. Sure, sparks fly for the two main agents, but the book was more action and suspense. The plot is believable and fast paced. The injured mother shows up at the end of the third page and, then, the story takes off like a rocket until the heart-pounding conclusion. If you are looking for a good read, check this book out.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Review - Goddess of Legend

Goddess of LegendGoddess of Legend
BY: P.C. Cast
PUBLISHED BY: Berkley Sensation
ISBN: 978-1-61129-141-4
Pages: 309
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

Take the Camelot myth and blend it with a harlequin novel. That is exactly what author P.C. Cast has done in Goddess of Legend. Forty-two-year-old Isabel is enjoying her life as a single, childless photographer, but her life changes when she crashes her vehicle into a lake. She is rescued by Viviane, the Lady of the Lake, and transported back to the time of Camelot.

In return for being rescued, Isabel must seduce King Author away from Queen Guinevere. Nevertheless, Isabel is seduced by the King’s charms.

This is the first novel I have read by P.C. Cast. I have heard a lot about the House of Night novels, so I thought I would give Goddess of Legend of a try. After reading the first page, I automatically liked the strong character Isabel. She does not hold back her thoughts or emotions to anyone. The plot is a little thin. There should have been a bigger conflict for Isabel to overcome, besides from falling in love with the King. I was disappointed that Merlin did not have a bigger part in the book. I liked the author’s style of writing and pacing, but the love scene was badly written, and almost laughable. Some of the dialogue of King Author and his men are very questionable. Would they really be talking like during medieval times?

So would I recommend Goddess of Legend? Yes and no. I enjoyed the time travel premise and the strong main character. I am also a sucker for Camelot stories. If you are looking for a predictable, time traveling love story, then check this book out.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday Ramblings

This will be my last rambling of the year.

I have been watching many DVDs lately. Ramona and Beezus was an enjoyable family film. Despite the name, it has little to do with the book and more to do with the sequels. Too bad, it did not do well at the box office. The Last Airbender was fun, but something was missing from it. The A-Team was another fun movie. Predators had a few action scenes, but there was no plot. The Lost Boys: The Thirst was better than the second was, but it was too short and fell way short of the original. However, it was better than Eclipse, which, besides from a non-blood, short vampire/werewolf fight, was boring. Inception was intriguing, but I have to admit that I fell asleep during it. 30 Days of Night: Dark Days may have some vampire gore, but it hardly resembles the first.

I received Witch & Wizard: The Gift by James Patterson in the mail last week. I have not read the first novel in the series yet, along with several other Patterson novels. I will have to catch up in 2011.

I collected several new books over the Holidays including the House of Night series, a couple R.L. Stine novels, The Baby-sitters Club prequel, the Hush, Hush books, the Vampire Academy series, and a few others. Therefore, I will be busy reading in 2011.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Review - Fear Street Super Chillers: Silent Night 2

Silent Night 2  takes place a year later after the events of the first novel, and Reva Dalby has not changed a bit. She is once again working at her father’s department store, and once again being rude the customers.

Late one night, Mr. Dalby receives a phone call that his daughter has been kidnapped, but there is one little problem for the kidnappers - Reva was at home. The kidnappers had kidnapped her cousin, Pam. The kidnappers let Pam go.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Review - Fear Street Super Chillers: Silent Night

Fear Street Super Chillers: Silent Night
BY: R.L. Stine
PUBLISHED BY: Pocket Books
ISBN: 0-671-73822-4
Pages: 216
Ages: Young Adult
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

Reva Dalby is a pretty, spoiled, rich kid. She is spending her Christmas vacation working at her father’s department store. She is rude to the customers and the other works. She does not care about anyone but herself. In other words - she is a scrooge.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Snowman by R.L. Stine

Since her parent’s death, Heather has been living with overprotected Uncle James. She hates the man. She thinks he is only after her inheritance, which she will receive when she turns eighteen. Until then she is spending her time working at a diner and dating her kind-of- boyfriend, Ben. Everything changes when she meets the tall ice-blond, Snowman.

Heather instantly falls for Snowman’s charms. She soon gives him money to help with his family, but she does not know he does not have a family. He does not even go to her school. Then, her uncle goes missing. Could Snowman be involved? Is Snowman a cold-blooded killer?

The book cover is a little misleading. This book is not about an actually snowman, but a mysterious boy whose nickname is Snowman. There is not much of a plot to go by, but there are some twists and turns that make this book worth reading. I would like to mention this book is written for Young Adults and not for children.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Review - Graveyard School: The Abominable Snow Monster

Abominable Snow Monster (Graveyard School)
Graveyard School: The Abominable Snowmonster
BY: Tom B. Stone
PUBLISHED BY: A Skylark Book
ISBN: 0-553-54218-4
Pages: 99
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

Due to the success of the R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series in the early 1990’s, other publishing houses tried to copy the format into their own series. The Graveyard School series came from that time.

The kids at Grove Hill call their school Graveyard School because there is a cemetery behind the playground. Several snowstorms have hit the small town. One playground afternoon, sixth-grader Kyle stumbled upon a strange glass eye near the cemetery. He had the idea of using it on his snowman. The other kids in his class were building snow statues, but Kyle was going to make a scary snowman.

Kyle’s snowman was tall - taller than the slides. He carved out a wicked grin for the face and used shark teeth. He found two strange branches and used them as arms. All of the kids were scared of it.

A strange thing happens. The student’s snow statues were destroyed, but one survived. Kyle’s snowman.

This is the first book in the series that I have ever read. It is a short book, but fun to read.