Showing posts with label western romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label western romance. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Review - Stuck Together

Stuck Together
Trouble In Texas, Book 3
by Mary Connealy
Publisher: Bethany House
Pub. Date: June 3, 2014
ISBN: 978-0764209161
Pages: 320
Buy Link: Amazon


Several years back I had joined a book club where I was sent a new Christian romance once a month. This is when I was exposed to several new authors, including Mary Connealy. So as you can probably imagined I was excited to sign up to review the third installment in the Trouble In Texas series earlier this year. Though I did read the book, a few things came up and I haven't gotten around to writing this review until today.

Stuck Together centers on a Tina Cahill, a young woman who is determined to shut down the saloon in Broken Wheel at any cost, but her picketing outside the saloon hasn't gotten anybody's attention. Well, Vince Yates has noticed her protest, but he would rather not get involved in her self stuck pursuit.

Vince has enough trouble on his shoulders when his parents and sister that he never knew shows up in town looking of his help. His father is a schemer, his mother's health is failing and his sister is love struck with one of his best pals. Of course the one thing he doesn't need right now is to fall in love with Tina!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Review - Tried and True by Mary Connealy

Tried & True
Wild At Heart, Book One
by Mary Connealy
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Pub. Date: September 2, 2014
ISBN: 978-0764211782
Pages: 320
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Now available to own on paperback and as an eBook is book one in the Wild At Heart series, titled Tried & True. The book is written by one my favorite authors, Mary Connealy. At first glance at the cover, I actually thought the book would have a contemporary setting, but instead it has a post-Civil War setting.

Tried and True centers on Kylie Wilde, a civilized young woman, who just happened to have served in the Civil War as a solider. Kylie and her two older sisters exchanged their skirts for trousers and pretended to be "boys" during the war. While her sisters continue the charade, so they can keep the special exemptions for serving in the war, Kylie has grown out her hair and has started wearing dresses again.

It doesn’t take Kylie long to get the attention of the local land agent, Aaron Masterson, who becomes instantly fascinated with her. As she gets closer to him, she reveals her deepest secret of serving in the Civil War. Being a civilized citizen, Aaron has the responsibility to inform the government of Kylie and her sister's fraud, but he doesn't want to risk the chance of losing her.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Review - Four Weddings & a Kiss

For Weddings & a Kiss
A Western Bride Collection
by Margaret Brownely, Debra Clopton,  Mary Connealy, Robin Lee Hatcher
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pub. Date: June 10, 2014
ISBN: 978-1401688547
Pages: 400
Buy Link:
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I probably read more books in one month than the average person reads in one year. Reading daily is a habit I picked up as a child; a time when you should be outside playing with other kids your age, but instead I had my nose in a book, letting my imagination guide me to a far away place. As an adult, life can be stressful and reading a good book is the perfect escape, well, at least for me it is. While I was occupied by a few freelance writing projects for the last few weeks, I did manage to read the anthology, Four Wedding and a Kiss, written by Margaret Brownley, Debra Clopton, Mary Connealy and Robin Lee Hatcher.

The first story is written by one of my favorite historical romance writers, Mary Conneally. Spitfire Sweetheart is centered on Maizy MacGregor, who happens to be responsible for injuring a local rancher, Rylan Carsten. With no other choice, she has to wait by his side as his so-called caregiver until his wounds are healed. Of course this is a romance, so it isn't too long until sparks arise between the two.

Robin Lee's Hatcher's tale, A Love Letter To The Editor, centers on journalist, Molly Everton, who writes a popular feature in the local newspaper. With her experience, she was hoping to be promoted to editor, but to her surprise, the position is given to the town's new resident, Jack Ludgrove. Molly is more than upset by his arrival and is determined to take his spot as editor, but there is one thing standing in her way – her true feelings for him.