Showing posts with label Doctor Who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor Who. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

DVD Review - Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited: Fifth - Eighth

Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited: Fifth - Eighth
Starring: Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann
Studio: BBC Home Entertainment
Release Date: October 1, 2013
Retail: $39.98
Running Time: Approx. 735 minutes


BCC's Doctor Who is celebrating its 50th anniversary next month with the special "The Day of the Doctor," but before then you can experience the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth doctors with today's release of Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited: Fifth - Eighth, starring Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann in four exciting adventures, Earthshock, Vengeance on Varos, Remembrance of the Daleks, and Doctor Who - The Movie, on four discs.

Earthshock aired in March 1982 and has the Doctor (played by Peter Davison) and his companions (Adric, Nyssa or Tegan) arriving on Earth in the future. They explore a few caves and run into Lieutenant Scott and his men, who claim the Doctor and companions killed Professor Kyle's exploration team. The Doctor convinces Scott that they didn't have anything to do with Kyle's disappearance and offers his assistance to help with the search, leading the Doctor to come face to face with the Cybermen.

Colin Baker plays the Doctor in Vengeance On Varos, which originally aired in January 1985. After the TARDIS comes to a complete stop in the middle of space, the Doctor and his companion (Peri Brown) go to Varos (formerly a prison planet) in search of Zeiton-7, which is what the TARDIS needs to run properly again. The planet is operated by the evil Governor and getting the Zeiton-7 will be more difficult (even deadly) for the Doctor.

Remembrance of the Daleks first hit the airwaves in October 1988 starring Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor, who (along with his companion, Ace) arrives in Shoreditch in 1963, where they track down the strange magnetic fluctuations near the Coal Hill School, which happens to be a grey Dalek. The Daleks have followed The Doctor through time in search of the Hand of Omega; all leading to the return of the creator and leader, Davros.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Review: Doctor Who - The Doctors Revisited: One - Four

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are 100% mine.

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, BBC Home Entertainment is releasing the best serial from each of the eleven Doctors. The first release features the first four Doctors, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, and Tom Baker, from the years 1963-1981, each in one classic episode, The Aztecs, Tomb of the Cybermen, The Spearhead From Space, and Pyramids of Mars.

My introduction into the world of Doctor Who was when the episode "Rose" aired on the Sci Fi Channel (now known as SyFy) in the spring of 2006. I was aware of the previous series that aired from 1963-1989, but I had never watched an episode before, though I had watched the Peter Cushing's version, Doctor Who and the Daleks and Daleks - Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D., so I was eager to watch the four-disc set, which I received free of charge from BBC Entertainment in exchange for my honest review.

Each episode can be watched in its original four-part version or as a feature presentation with an introduction by Steven Moffat. For a bonus, there is a profile special on each doctor.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

DVD Review - Doctor Who: Series Seven, Part Two

Doctor Who: Series Seven, Part Two
Starring: Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman
Studio: BBC Home Entertainment
Release Date: May 28, 2013
Retail: $24.98
Running Time: 360 minutes
Rating: Not Rated
Buy Link:


The legendary Doctor Who turns fifty-years-old this November and it is the time to catch up with the second half of series seven with the two-disc DVD of Doctor Who: Series Seven - Part Two out in stores today.

Picking up where the 2012 Christmas special, The Snowmen, ended, The Doctor tracks down the modern day version of Clara Oswin Oswald, aka The Impossible Girl, who just happens to need his help to stop the Great Intelligence. The Doctor is intrigue with Clara as she doesn't remember ever meeting him before. He takes her on a several adventures across the universe and across time in the TARDIS, but waiting in the shadows is the Doctor's darkest secret.

Doctor Who, Season 7, Episode 10, Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) and the Doctor (Matt Smith)

The episodes on the two-disc set are:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

DVD Review - Doctor Who: The Snowmen

Doctor Who: The Snowmen
Starring: Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman
Studio: BBC Warner
Release Date: May 28, 2013
Run Time: 60 minutes 
Rating: Not Rated
Buy Link: Amazon


The 2012 Doctor Who Christmas Special is finally making its way onto DVD and Blu-Ray on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013, which introduces Jenna-Louise Coleman as the Doctor's new companion, Clara Oswin Oswald, or otherwise known as the Impossible Girl.

After losing his previous companions, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, the Doctor has parked the TARDIS above London in the year 1892. He's still grieving and would prefer to be alone, in which his allies, Vastra, Jenny, and Strax, keep others from seeking his help. That is until a barmaid, Clara Oswin Oswald, accuses him of building a snowman in front of her workplace. He ignores her and instructs Strax to erase her memory with a memory worm, but the snowmen appear out of nowhere.

Doctor Who: The Snowmen, Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) and the Doctor (Matt Smith) 

Clara flees to her other job as a governess to Captain Latimer's children, but she will once again cross paths with the Doctor, who can't quite figure out where he has seen her before. The ghastly snowmen return along with an icy ex-governess, all leading to return of one of the Doctor's oldest enemies, the Great Intelligence.

 Bonus features on the DVD are:
  • Clara's White Christmas - Behind-the-scenes of The Snowmen. (3.5 minutes)
  • Vastra Investigates - A three-minute prequel to The Snowmen.
  • Children in Need Special: The Great Detective - A three-minute prequel to The Snowmen.

Doctor Who: The Snowmen, Madame Vastra (Neve McIntosh), Commander Strax (Dan Starkey), and Jenny Flint (Catrin Stewart)
Doctor Who is celebrating its 50th anniversary this November, though I have only been aware of the program since 2006 when I watched Series One of the new incarnation on the Sci-Fi Channel (now known as SyFy). I became a fan by the end of the first episode. Since the end of Series Four, the series has aired on BBC America, which isn't offered through my local cable company. Therefore, I have patiently awaited each new DVD release, which I prefer as I can watch the episodes back-to-back.

The Snowmen runs about sixty-minutes and it feels more like a feature film than a television episode. The snowmen special effects look great and at times are a little frightening. Introducing the old enemy, the Great Intelligence, is pure genius, especially with Sir Ian McKellen as the voice. Jenna-Louise Coleman is a perfect as the new companion Clara Oswin Oswald and adds a bit of mystery for the Doctor to unravel. The new TARDIS design looks great as well as the new opening credits. The Snowmen is now my favorite Doctor Who Christmas special. I highly recommend it to others.

*Disclaimer - I received a free DVD in exchange for my honest review.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Review - Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation 2

Star Trek: The Next Generation / Doctor Who: Assimilation 2 
Contributors: J. K. Woodward
Publisher: IDW Publishing
ISBN: 9781613774038
Pub Date:  October 02, 2012 
Pages: 104 

The Federation Planet Delta IV is attacked by the Borg and a new race called the Cybermen.

In the past, The Doctor, Amy and her husband Rory are in Egypt to catch an alien criminal. Then, they hop back into the TARDIS where they encounter a weird disturbance that sends them to San Francisco in the 1940s. Or are they somewhere else, like a holoprogram on the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Commander William Riker, Data, and Doctor Beverly Crusher are surprised by the Doctor and his companions’ sudden arrival, and they are even more surprised when they learn the visitors are not holograms. Commander Riker orders Worf and a security team to take them to Captain Picard.