Friday, January 5, 2024

{The Friday 56} — "LOSING SPRING"


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Open your Reader to page 56 or 56%.
Look up any sentence (or more). Simply don't ruin it.
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She continued to explain what she meant about people drifting apart, speaking to me with a weak and nervously fluttering smile, but like so often now, she looked like she was talking more to herself, convincing herself of something.

page 56, "Losing Spring" by V..C. Andrews

My Thoughts

Due to the holiday and catching a cold twice, I've had limited time to read. The "Pet Semetary" bookmark has been resting between pages 6 and 7 of V.C. Andrews' Losing Spring—ghostwritten by Andrew Nedierman—for four days. My plan is to continue reading over the weekend; I might even speed read. Anyway, I'm sharing with everyone a sentence from page 56—not the greatest-written sentence in the world, but the best from the page.


  1. When I was a teen librarian I had students who were crazy for V.C. Andrews. I've never read her (him?). I actually like the p.56 quote. It brings to mind a picture which then translate to the narrative.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. I am sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you are feeling better. It's been ages since I read anything by V.C. Andrews. I hope you are enjoying Losing Spring. Have a great weekend!


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