Sunday, September 24, 2023

{Sunday Post} — Anna Dressed in Blood, The Camp, and Voyages of the Imagination

The Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Kimberly hosts a weekly meme called "The Sunday Post"! 

* Weekly Tidbits *

  • Please keep in mind that I'm writing this post on Friday night. 

  • A cousin of mine on my adopted side passed away on Tuesday from cancer. A "celebration of life" will be held after his cremation; there won't be a funeral. 

  • I'm gradually recovering from my cold. My sneezing has stopped; however, my nose remains rather stuffy. The morning after I made myself mow the lawn, a canker sore appeared behind my tongue. It's still there, steadily improving. 

  • Over the week, the Kansas City Royals won three more games. Their 51-102. They are leading the Houston Astros 4-2 going into the third inning as I write this on Friday night.

  • I received the horror bookmarks I ordered, and I'm advising everyone that they're not NSFW (Not Safe for Work), though I did censor the photo you'll find in this post.

What Am I Currently Reading? 

My reading tastes are of an odd variety. I'm on Chapter Seventeen in The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis, an Amish romance drama. I finally started Chain Saw Confidential by Gunner Hansen. I plan on having both of these finished by Monday.

Then, I'll either move on to ARCs or library loans. Yep, I checked out books from the library. Two, to be exact: The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager and Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak. What can I say? Halloween is just around the corner, and I'm getting into a mood for horror.

The titles on my reading queue are Ricochet by Taylor Moore, Tom Clancy's Weapons Grade by Don Bentley, After That Night by Karin Slaughter, and A Life with Ghosts by Steve Gonsalves with Michael Alosisi. Note: The latter title isn't in the above image because I'm a dumbbell and forgot to include it.

Recent Reviews

Star Trek: Picard: Second Self

More Star Trek Books

Alright—these are the last batch of eBay books I will buy for the rest of the year. (Maybe?) 

Let's start with the Star Trek titles: Demons by J.M. Dillard, Bloodthirst by J.M. Dillard, The Last Round Up by Christie Golden, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier by J.M. Dillard, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country by J.M. Dillard, and Star Trek: Insurrection by J.M. Dillard.

Next is something I've wanted for a long time—Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion by Jeff Ayers. The 782-page book covers all the Star Trek novels up to it's publication date—2006. I've skimmed over almost all of it and find it weird that some authors (a few are deceased now) either declined to be interviewed or had no comments on specific titles.

Last but not least are The X-Files: I Want to Believe by Max Allen Collins and Millennium: The Frenchman by Elizabeth Hand.

NSFW Horror Bookmarks

Note: The bookmarks are laminated, and there's a glare from the camera flash.

Alright, everyone, here are the three horror movie bookmarks: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, Return of the Living Dead: Part III, and A Virgin Among the Living Dead. As you can see, I did censor two of the bookmarks. They are made and sold by eBay seller COMICMASTERMIND. He makes custom movie bookmarks and Blu-ray covers. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor in May 2022, has had surgery, radiation, and chemo, and the doctors gave him 18 months to live; this is on his "about" page.

What's New on the Shelf?

I recently downloaded The Heirloom by Beverly Lewis from NetGalley, then ran across it while shopping and decided to pick it up. I believe I own most, if not all, of the author's books. 

I had to have Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake as soon as I saw it on the shelf at Walmart. Then, I read the blurb and knew without a shadow of a doubt that I needed it. Also, I got What Happened on Hicks Road by Hannah Jayne.

I stopped by the library to look at their "free" books, but none caught my eye. Then I went to the back wall and looked at the $2 "for sale" titles. I got The Last Days of Video by Jeremy Hawkins, Other Kingdoms by Richard Matheson, and Inherit the Dead, edited by Jonathan Santlofer. The latter is one mystery written by twenty authors—to name a few: C.J. Box, Lawrence Block, Mary Higgins Clark, Heather Graham, Charlaine Harris, and Max Allan Collins.

Yes, I'm still visiting the thrift store once a week. They are slowly bringing out authors I collect, such as Tony Killerman, Terry Brooks, and Robert Jordan. 

On my most recent trip, I got Bonnie by Iris Johansen, The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Isaac Asimov's Utopia by Roger MacBride Allen, Lovelock by Orson Scott Card and Kathryn H. Kidd, Wonder Woman by S. D. Perry and Britta Dennison, Finding the Moon by Tony Hillerman, A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, and The Scions of Shannara by Terry Brooks (The Heritage of Shannara, book 1). 

I forgot to mention last week that I have an eBook of Good Girls Don't Die by Christina Henry for an upcoming blog tour. From NetGalley, I downloaded 12 Months to Live by James Patterson and Mike Lupica. Last, I bought Nancy Bush's The Camp during a recent Kindle sale.


  1. wow, go Royals! When I was a kid I used to like baseball teams based on how cool I thought their names wee, so the Royals and Houston Astros, a few others, were faves of mine lol.

    Love the Halocene video. And I'm sorry to hear about your cousin.

    I met terry brooks at a signing once. And Hillerman- I'm watching Dark Winds which I think is adapted from his books?

    1. Since I've written this post, the Royals have one more game, so that's five in a row or nine out of the last ten.

      Yes, the late Tony Hillerman wrote the books that the series Dark Winds is based on. One of the books is called The Dark Wind. Since the author's death, his daughter, Anne, has taken over the book series.

  2. I know of someone who saw Barbie the movie six times before they bought the movie.

    1. I haven't seen the Barbie movie. I like Margot Robbie, so I might give it a watch when it lands on a streaming service; though, I can already tell by the trailers that it's not my type of movie.

  3. Sorry to hear you're still sick. I feel like my colds always drag and linger too and I usually get a flu shot! So it never makes sense to me. Hope you're feeling better by now!

    Nice new reads! Quite a few new to me ones but I did read Anna Dressed in Blood when it first came out! Loved it! I'm contemplating picking this one up just because Kendare wrote a bonus short story in the back of it that I'm kind of curious about!

    Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I got sick off the flu shot last year; I might not be getting one this year. I might've caught that COVID variant.

      The new story is Dear Anna. It's referred to as a "novella," though it's only 89 pages.

  4. I hope you feel better soon, Billy. I have also been visiting our local book outlet quite a bit lately. I have bought a few, but it seems like when I go I am with my daughter and she rushes me, so I need to go alone next time, lol! Have a much better week.

    1. For me, it was when I was at the Half Price Books store in the city. I went with my parents, and I felt like I had to rush myself by only looking at specific authors. I wish I had more time to browse.

  5. Sorry to hear you've been sick and glad you're slowly on the mend.

    1. "Slowly" is the key word. Just when I start to feel better, my cold returns in full force.


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