Thanks to the now-saturated streaming services, theatrical releases are becoming a thing of the past unless the film is Marvel or connected to another big IP. Everything else goes straight to VOD, followed by a Digital, DVD, or Blu-ray release, such as the thriller Last Looks, which landed on physical media last month from RLJE Films. Ever heard it? If you said no, join the club, as I never heard of the title until I received a press release for the Blu-ray - and that was near the release date.
Last Looks (R; 110 minutes) is a modern-day film noir adapted for the screen by Howard Michael Gould based on his novel of the same name, with Tim Kirby (Action Point) occupying the director's seat. Mel Gibson and Morena Baccarin get top billing right alongside Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy), but their parts are more like extended cameos.
The plot centers around ex-LAPD Charlie Waldo (Charlie Hunnam) being forced out of retirement to investigate the mysterious death of Alastar Pinch's wife. Who is Alastar Pinch (Mel Gibson)? He's a television actor who spends most of his time drunk on the set of his TV series. Waldo was dragged into this mess to uncover the truth before the media pins the murder on Pinch and cancels his career.
Final Thoughts
There only's one word that can describe Last Looks - meh. The film opens with a way-too-long weird scene with Charlie Hunnam's Waldo meditating outdoors. Then Morena Baccarin briefly appears and helps set up Waldo's return to L.A. to investigate Pinch's wife's death. From there on in, my eyes fixated on the screen - for about thirty-odd minutes. Then I became bored and did other things (otherwise known as multitasking) until the credits finally rolled.
The Blu-ray's picture and sound qualities were above average. The only feature is The Making of Last Looks.
Last Looks is a whodunit flick with an unfinished script. If you cut out the unnecessary filler and pointless dialogue, the running time could have slimmed down to under 90 minutes, but that alone can't save this film from being a complete waste of time.
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