Friday, December 24, 2021

{The Friday 56} - Star Trek: Deep Domain


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But the moment he surmised the local government wasn't doing its damnedest to find his men—or if the time they were missing stretched much past a day—he'd find a way to kiss protocol good-bye.

page 56, "Star Trek: Deep Domain" by Howard Weinstein

My Thoughts

12/22/21 - I grew up watching Star Trek but never got into the Trek literature besides from a handful of books, such as Deep Domain. I remember having a paperback copy that I got at a garage sale when I was around nine or ten years old. I lost the book sometime, somewhere during my childhood. Recently, I bought the paperback on eBay, and it'll probably be my last read of the year.


  1. I've never really gotten into the Star Trek books as much as I enjoy watching the series. I'm glad you were able to track down a new copy!

  2. I grew up on Star Trek but never got into the books. I might've read 7 or 8 Trek books during my childhood. It's only been the last few years that I have started to appreciate the novels, especially the older ones.

    FYI - Deep Domain is a used ex-library copy but still in good shape.

  3. Sounds as exciting as the show! Happy weekend and Merry Christmas!


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