Sunday, August 22, 2021

{Sunday Post} - Brand New Cherry Flavor, Occupation: Rainfall, and Rogue Elements

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer!

Good Morning, Everyone! 


I would get things done quicker if I avoided YouTube. I've been awake since 12:30 AM and wasted over 90 minutes watching music videos. That's my excuse for not having this post written before midnight. Plus, I had taken a nap around 2 PM yesterday and didn't wake up until after midnight. My allergies were bothering me, so I took two Tylenol and laid down. I guess that did the trick because I'm feeling better. The hot weather is the #1 cause. I wish the autumn weather would hurry up and get here.

Tuesday was a horrible day for me. Despite the heat, I spent Monday afternoon cutting the grass and trimming trees. I woke up the middle night in agonizing pain. My left shoulder was throbbing. And I felt like I had pneumonia. My temperature was flipped back and forth from 96.5 to 99. Don't worry. It's not COVID-19. I pinched a nerve in my shoulder when I was pulling down branches. I'm allergic to one tree in particular. So between it and the heat, I breathed in too much unwanted stuff. I was feeling better by Wednesday afternoon.


What Am I Reading?

Good News - I finished reading The Final Girl Support Group before the eBook loan expired on Friday. Yes, I'll be writing a review for it. I don't know when this will be, but there will be a review. Before I crashed and burned on Saturday, I read the middle-grade book World Champions: A Max Einstein Adventure. I have mixed feelings about it, so my review should be interesting.  

Next on my reading agenda is Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements by John Jackson Miller. Gallery Books had sent over a hardback. In a few hours, I'll make a cup of coffee and read at least 75 pages. I have a weird fascination with the number 75. I cannot explain it. When I sit down to read a novel, my goal is to read at least 75 pages.

Whenever I finish the Star Trek book, I'll move to Blue Man by John L. Moore. I'll be posting a review for it on September 7th (my 40th birthday) as part of a book tour. Then, fingers crossed, I would like to read Stephen King's Billy Summers, which is currently calling my name.

Recent Reviews

What's in the Mail? 

Thursday was the big "mail day" for me this past week. Like I already mentioned, Gallery Books sent me Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements by John Jackson Miller. Lionsgate Home Entertainment sent over The Spanish Princess Part 2 DVD and Occupation: Rainfall Blu-ray. 

I didn't care much for part 1 (season 1) of The Spanish Princess, and I skipped part 2 when it aired on Starz. The storyline is alright, but the acting is hideous. Nevertheless, I'll l be binge-watching part 2 soon. FYI: Lionsgate released the DVD on July 20th, but I'm just now receiving a review copy. I bet it has something to do with the warehouses being short-staffed because of COVID-19. It's the same thing with Occupation: Rainfall, as it came out on August 10th. The film is a sequel to the 2018 Australian science fiction Occupation, which I remember liking.

What's New On the Bookshelf?

I must have missed out on a restock of books and movies at the local Dollar Tree store. There were a few new titles but a lot of empty spaces. I picked up one book, Forsaken by the Others by Jess Haines. I'm not familiar with the author, but the plot involves vampires and werewolves. So, it's right down my alley. Also, I got five cheap horror flicks - Zombie Night, Cruel Peter, Mom and Dad, The Tree Have Eyes, and The Huntress: Rune of the Dead.

On Thursday night and part of Friday morning, I binge-watched the Netflix limited-series Brand New Cherry Flavor, an adaptation of the 1996 novel by Todd Grimson. The series is sick and twisted, and I loved every minute of it, so naturally, I wanted to read the book. The problem is the paperback is out-of-print, and it's not available on Kindle. It's available on audiobook, but I'm not an audiobook person. Eventually, I found the eBook available via Google Play for $9.99. I'm not for sure when I'm going to read it, but hopefully soon.


  1. I'm getting Deja Vu vibes when I glance at the Brand New Cherry Flavor cover. Do I already own the paperback? This cover is for the 2011 reprint, which is out-of-print. I noticed on GoodReads that I have the book marked as want-to-read. I'm wondering if I bought the paperback at a thrift store and forgotten about it. Then again, maybe it's just one of those covers that looks familiar. Now, I'm going to have to go through all my books to make sure.

  2. Sorry to hear about your allergy issues. Hope you're feeling better now. I'm with you on being ready for Fall. Sadly around my parts we just keep having summer for months on end, maybe get a week or two of Fall weather then dive headfirst into winter. Fall is my favorite season, so this really upsets me.

    Nice new read! Hope you enjoy it once you get to read it!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Unfortunately, Mother Nature likes to skip Fall around my neck of the woods too. Last year, summer extended into early October, and then it snowed before Halloween. Fall is my favorite season too.

  3. I'm glad your illness/fever wasn't down to covid and good news that you recovered quickly.

    Hopefully this week is a good one for you!

  4. WHEW I love when I type out a decent length comment and Blogger eats it. Thanks Blogger!

    Anywho, sorry your week was a bit poop, I feel you on the Youtube video thing though, sometimes... things be interesting. xD

    I've been on a big tie-in novel kick myself. I've started slowly working my way through the Buffy books and I think I wanna do Star Wars too, eventually. I have a few of those knocking around in various forms.

    1. Sadly, Blogger has done that to my comments too.

      I have a slew of Buffy and Angel paperbacks from my teenage years. I need to reread them one day.

  5. Yeah, the YouTube music rabbit hole is real. It's been Linkin Park for me lately.
    You know I had a friend whose favourite number was 7 and I didn't understand the concept as I have no particular emotional attachment to any number. If pressed, I might say 5, my birthdate but...not really. My reading goal when I sit these days is one How about one page? One section? What ever helps move the reading forward.
    I like the first A Quiet Place but haven't caught the sequel yet.
    Sounds like you're feeling better so hope you continue to.

    1. Yeah, I don't know what it is with me and the number 75. I don't always read 75 pages in one sitting, but it's always my goal.

  6. Youtube is the bane of my existence. Except when I find new music. :)

    I LOVE Halestorm.

    I get respiratory distress lol every time I cut the lawn. Never used to, but now that I'm older I don't know if I have allergies now or the pollen or whatever... I'm a mess for days. Hope you're feeling better :)

    1. My allergies have been getting worse and worse over the last few years. I'm going to attempt to mow the yard this morning, and I'm hoping my allergies won't go through the roof again.

  7. The Star Trek - Picard book has me very intrigued. I am a big fan of the shows and movies but I don’t think I’ve ever read a Star Trek novel. Yard work and allergies are definitely not a good combination and to pinch your nerve on top of that. Yikes! Hope your feeling better or that you feel better soon. Have a great week!

    1. There are over 850 Star Trek novels. I'm 200 pages into Rogue Elements, and it's pretty good so far.


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