Friday, August 13, 2021

{Book Blogger Hop} - Signed Books

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop!

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What To Do

1. Post an answer for the prompt. 

Have you ever gotten a book signed by the author?

Submitted by Julie @ Stepping Stones Book Reviews.

2. Enter your Name/Nickname @ Blog Name and the direct URL to your post answering this week’s question linky list widget. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer


3. Please visit other blogs on the list and leave a comment on their BBH post.



1. You have the option to answer the prompt in a YouTube Vlog.

2. Share your answer on Facebook (@coffeeaddictedwriter) and Twitter (@coffeeramblings) with the hashtags: #bookbloggerhop  #coffeeramblings

3. Copy & Paste this week's prompt image and share it on Instagram with your prompt answer. Use the hashtags: #bookbloggerhop  #coffeeramblings  Make sure to tag me: @coffeeramblings

4. Visit other blogger's social media accounts, comment on their posts, and possibly become a new follower.

  Billy's Answer

I've only been to one book signing in my lifetime. During my elementary days (2nd or 3rd grade), the kindergarten teacher had a book signing for her picture book. Off the top of my head, I cannot remember her name or the book's title. FYI - She wasn't my kindergarten teacher.  

Linky List



NAME: Your first name or nickname @ Title of your blog

URL: Link to your blog hop post 


Social Media

NAME: Your first name or nickname @ Youtube / Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

URL: Link to your social media post

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  1. I don't have a whole lot of signed books either but that is kind of an adorable story, I can imagine all the kindergartners not sure what's happening but happy to join in. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a lovely weekend :)

  2. I really didn't appreciate meeting Terry Pratchett as much as I should have done. I wasn't a fan at the time (I am now) and was getting a book signed as a present for my Dad.

  3. That's still pretty cool that it was a teacher in your school. I've been fortunate enough to have met quite a few authors. I've traveled a lot to see them. Waiting to see if this year's fall events happen or not to see if I will meet any this year.

    Here's my BBH

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I have quite a few signed books. I low-key collect them, so any opportunity to see an author speak and get a signature, I take.

  5. I have had many authors sign books that they have sent me for review. This was all when I had my previous book blog though. :)

  6. I wish I had more signed books - I'm always too shy to go to book signings on my own and can never get a sister to go with me lol!


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