At the heart of any DCC station is the command center. Many people who are new to this technology may not know the facts behind these devices so this article will be a basic breakdown. A throttle command sends signals which are relayed to the main device. The device then proceeds to process the signals and then after this, they create a standardized packet of DCC information that is then sent to the decoders on the main unit. The DCC command center does not do any of the actual work, they are more or less there to direct traffic.
When DCC was first created, the devices were of a standalone nature. There were two pieces that were essential to the technology and the success of the device. These were the command center and the booster. Connected to the command station was the throttle network. The booster connected itself to the command station output. The output that the booster put forth was connected to the DCC track. However, in the early 1990s, there was a new invention in that the two separate units were combined into one single device. By blending them into one single device, the cost of the technology was actually reduced by about 20%. The nickname of the command station was used in conjunction with this new integrated device and subsequently stuck.
The only drawback was that the nce DCC command station needed a booster to actually operate. This when a further integrated unit, one which combined the booster into the command center, was invented. This new technology went a long way toward maximizing power.
As can be seen, this is a very powerful and interesting technology which is well-loved and very used in the world of electronics. Only through these ways can the technology be maximized for personal benefit.