Now available to purchase is the urban fantasy Lady Knight, book one of The Knight Case series, by T. Nathan Mosley.
The author has taken a few minutes out
of his busy schedule for a Q&A about his new novel.
I first had an interest in writing when I read Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. The characters and world he created fascinated me, and ever since I’ve been writing and creating my own worlds and characters.
What was your first book/story published?
Lady Knight is the first novel I’ve published. It was released this year in January.
What inspired you to write Lady Knight?
Cameron, one of the main characters of Lady Knight, came first. I had the idea for her, and after that, everything kind of fell into place. That tends to happen with me, I’ll have an idea for a character and they inspire the story they want to tell.
What character in Lady Knight is the most/least like you, and in what ways?
I believe I’m most like Ryan, Cameron’s ex-husband. We’re both intelligent people who have an interest in academics. He’s a professor, which I would love to be able to do at some point.
I’m least like Vee, the primary villain of Lady Knight. Her cruelty and carefree attitude couldn’t be farther from what I am.
What is your favorite part in Lady Knight?
Pick any chapter that focuses on Vee. Every single one of her chapters was so much fun to write, and I believe they’ll be enjoyable for everyone. Having a character that I could do literally anything with was fantastic every step of the way.
What was the hardest part to write?
I always struggle with the middle parts of a story, and Lady Knight was no different. Bridging the gap between Act 1 and Act 3 of a story is extremely difficult for me for some reason.
What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author?
I would thoroughly enjoy being a professor of mathematics. Math in general intrigues me, and the idea of being able to inspire that same interest in young people would be a dream come true.
Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?
I try to read each review if possible. Being able to understand my readers is important, and reviews are one of the only ways a writer has to do that. The stories I write are going to be what they are, but if I can tweak them to appeal to my fans, then that’s a victory.
What well-known writers do you admire most?
I look up to Brandon Sanderson, James S. A. Corey, Jim Butcher, and Kurt Vonnegut. Every single one of them has a talent that I can only strive to emulate.
Do you have any other books/stories in the works?
I have three in the works, currently.
The second book of The Knight Case, Knight Captain, is my primary focus right now. I expect to complete it this year with a release date early in 2018.
The next two are just ideas currently, but I plan on starting on what I’ve tentatively dubbed as Prophecy Twelve, an epic fantasy novel, in 2018. The last doesn’t even have a tentative title, but the main character’s name will be Hannah. Her story will be a science fiction novel with an explosive action focus and elements of the thriller genre. I’ll probably start working on that once Knight Captain is complete.
Get a free ebook copy of Lady Knight on Instafreebie. Download the book at: https://www.instafreebie.com/free/XoIgj Expires on June 17th, 2017.
About the Author
T. Nathan Mosley was born and raised in Woodstock, Georgia. He is an avid fantasy and science fiction fan and gamer. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia with his two cats and dog that he tries constantly to avoid spoiling too much. His primary genres include general fantasy and urban fantasy, though he has played with the idea of science fiction on occasion. He is currently studying to become a professor of mathematics.
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I love stories that are inspired in a character. Character driven books ar emy favorite. :)