Now available to purchase is the romantic comedy novel Fat Girl Begone! by D.E. Haggerty.
The author has taken a few minutes out
of her busy schedule for a Q&A about her newest novel.
When did you become interested in storytelling?
Frankly, I can’t remember a time I wasn’t interest in storytelling. I started yapping and telling tale tales from the moment I could talk. Apparently, I never shut up. Except at school because – duh! – total nerd here.
What was your first book/story published?
Unforeseen Consequences was the first book I published. I wrote it years before I actually published it. The hubby deserves credit because he pushed me to try this newfangled self-publishing thing.
What inspired you to write Fat Girl Begone!?
In all honesty, I wanted to write another romantic comedy because the first one I wrote, Molly’s Misadventures, sold fairly well and received some good reviews. But I also wanted to tell a story close to my heart. As a diehard yo-yo dieter, writing a book about a supposed fat girl was totally up my alley.
What character in Fat Girl Begone! is the most/least like you, and in what ways?
Most like me is easy – Everly. Everly is a workaholic who weighs too much and sporadically diets. Sounds uncomfortably familiar. As far as female characters go, Everly’s best friend, Blaze, is not like me at all. She’s a kindergarten teacher and I am terrified of children (only slight exaggeration there). She’s also a total fitness fanatic. Although I may be a fanatic when it comes to my tennis game, that’s where it stops.
What is your favorite part in Fat Girl Begone!?
I loved when Everly met her boyfriend’s family. They were just crazy. I had a lot of fun coming up with that scene and imaging Everly blushing in embarrassment.
What was the hardest part to write?
Hmmm… I hope I’m not giving too much away but … At some point, Everly’s male friend wants out of the friend zone, but Everly isn’t ready for a new romantic relationship. I had to find some way for the two to start dating without the whole thing appearing unbelievable. I re-wrote it several times. Like, completely changed it.
What would your ideal career be, if you couldn't be an author?
Oh no, don’t make me go back to the corporate world! I’ve already tried everything I could imagine. I’d have to find something flexible because the idea of getting up and going into an office holds no appeal after a near ten-year reprieve from all that. I’d start another business I think but what? I have no idea.
Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?
Any author who says they don’t read reviews of their books is a liar. And of course, we pay attention to them. Sometimes the attention is scoffing. But I’m not too proud to admit that readers have had some valuable advice for me as a writer.
What well-known writers do you admire most?
Oh gosh, that’s a long list. Some writers I admire because their prose is sublime – think of someone like Khalid Hosseini. Other writers I admire because they tackle ethical issues – The Sympathizer from Viet Thang Nguyen comes to mind. Then, there are writers like Stephen King I admire because of their dedication to the craft and their willingness to give other writers valuable advice.
Do you have any other books/stories in the works?
Just one. I’m starting on an historical romance, which takes place in Istanbul during the Second World War. I’m also considering a spin-off from Fat Girl Begone! I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in the love story of Lily and Roland. It’s percolating in my head.
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About the Author
I grew-up reading everything I could get my grubby hands on from my mom's Harlequin romances to Nancy Drew to Little Women. When I wasn't flipping pages in a library book, I was penning horrendous poems, writing songs no one should ever sing, or drafting stories which have thankfully been destroyed. College and a stint in the U.S. Army came along, robbing me of free time to write and read, although on the odd occasion I did manage to sneak a book into my rucksack between rolled up socks, MRIs, t-shirts, and cold weather gear.
After surviving the army experience, I went back to school and got my law degree. I jumped ship and joined the hubby in the Netherlands before the graduation ceremony could even begin. A few years into my legal career, I was exhausted, fed up, and just plain done. I quit my job and sat down to write a manuscript, which I promptly hid in the attic after returning to the law. But being a lawyer really wasn’t my thing, so I quit (again!) and went off to Germany to start a B&B.
Turns out being a B&B owner wasn’t my thing either. I polished off that manuscript languishing in the attic before deciding to follow the husband to Istanbul where I decided to give the whole writer-thing a go.
But ten years was too many to stay away from adopted home. I packed up again and moved to The Hague where I’m currently working on my next book. I hope I’ll always be working on my next book.
Fat girl Begone! is my eleventh book.
To learn more about the author, please visit her website at: dehaggerty.wordpress.com/
Follow the author on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.
Thanks for having me on your blog today. I enjoyed the interview :-)