Goosebumps Halls of Horrors: Night of the Giant Everything

BY: R.L. Stine
PUBLISHED BY: Scholastic
ISBN: 978-0-545-28935-1
Pages: 127
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

Wow! This one has been sitting on top of my computer monitor for a few months, and since I just received the third book in the series in the mail on Saturday, I thought it was time to pick it up. Like the previous installment, the book opens up with a narration from the Story-Keeper, which reminds me of the Crypt Keeper, in which introduces the main character and sets up the story. Steven is the main character. He is in love with magic and the occasional practical joke. For a quick laugh, he plays a harmless trick on his two friends Ava and Courtney, but they dislike the joke and plan on getting revenge. The girls trick Steven into drinking a mixture they created in the school’s lab. Steven instantly feels weird and shortly after, he shrinks to under 10 inches tall.
After reading the back cover, I was a little skeptical about starting this book because it sounded like a reused plot from other Goosebumps books - where a kid is at home, the kid somehow changes, and races across town to find his friends for help. But there is a new twist by the name of Mr. Pinker, a piano teacher, with a hobby of collecting miniature houses, and, of course, Mr. Pinker is not who he seems to be. This is where the story reminds me of the Goosebumps television episodes, "Chillogy,” which wasn’t based on a Goosebumps book. Night of the Giant Everything isn’t scary, but it has enough twists and turns to keep the average young reader interested.
My Bebe Boy James loves Goosebumps; if he sees one at the bookstore that he doesn't have yet, it's his! Thanks for the great review. I tend to like these for him because they are very good at getting middle reader boys interested in reading for fun.