Sunday, April 17, 2011

Review - Miss Hildreth Wore Brown by Olivia deBelle Byrd

Olivia deBelle Byrd has compiled together over forty tales from her southern life. She uses stories about her husband, children, relatives, and friends. Her stories ranges from weddings, to shopping at Victoria’s Secret, trying to find a wife for her son, a trip to New York, her crush on Robert Redford, and to finding out why Miss Hildreth was wearing brown. You’ll even read about the do’s and dont's in the south.

My favorite chapter is called Coffees and Coffee, which is simply hilarious. I completely agree with the author, that coffee should just be a cup of fat-free back java. Another chapter called Names, I was laugh out loud hysterical, in which her husband can’t quite remember the name of his daughter’s friend.

I was a little bit hesitant when I was asked to review a humor/anecdote book. After reading the first page, I knew that Miss Hildreth Wore Brown was a gem, in the tradition of Jean Shepherd. You don’t have to be from the south to enjoy the charm and wit of Olivia deBelle Byrd. I live in the mid-west and I easily connected with her style of writing and stories. I liked that she mentioned the late daytime soap opera, As the World Turns, in one of her tales. My grandma watched the soap from the black and white beginning and to the very end. Miss Hildreth Wore Brown is a wonderful book filled heart and laughter. I enjoyed reading it and recommend it to everyone.

*I would like to thank the author for sending me a copy to review.

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