The Fall
BY: Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck HoganPUBLISHED BY: Harper Collins
ISBN: 978-0-06-155822-1
Pages: 308
Reviewed by Billy Burgess
I have never read the first book, The Strain, but I easily picked up the previous plot by reading the first few chapters. The vampire plaque is spreading and consuming the world. The Master’s grand plan is to start a war between the Old and New Vampires. Hidden, is a book detailing the vampire’s history and their darkest secrets. This book has the key to killing the virus.
A brilliant professor Abraham Setrakian, Vasiliy Fest, Eph and other survivors plan on stopping the vampires before the infest the world.
The Fall is dark and chilling. It takes the vampire legend and brings it into the real world. The plot is easily believable; a vampire virus is spreading all over the world. Abraham Setrakian reminds me of Van Helsing. I can see this book series becoming a movie.
Liked your style of writing. Interesting blog you have. I heard about the book before as well but wasn't sure whether to go for it or not but now I am definitely going to buy it.