“Jane Slayre” is an update on the classic novel “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte. Jane is an orphan and is living with her relatives, the Reeds - who happen to be bloodsucking vampires. One night, her uncle comes to her as a ghost. He tells her that she is a slayer and there are others like her.
Jane leaves the Reeds’ house and takes a job as a governess of a country estate. She falls in love with her new master, Mr. Rochester - who is keeping a dark secret of his own hidden in the attic.
Jane befriends another slayer, Mr. St. John - who has feelings for her. Before the end of the book, she must confront the Reeds again.
Today, it seems like all the classic novels are getting a zombie makeover. This is this first I have read in this new trend. Werewolves, vampires and zombies occupy this new twist on the classic “Jane Eyre.” The author does a decent job of staying true to the original story, but at the same time adding some fresh to it. Yes, you get to read about Jane fighting the creatures-of-the-night. If you’re a die-hard fan of “Jane Eyre,” you may not care for this version. Since vampires are not popular with today’s teenagers, I hope “Jane Slayre” will inspire them to read Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre.”
Note: I would like to thank Gallery Books for sending me this complimentary copy to review.
I loved the original Jane Eyre so I'm not sure how I would react to Jane Slayre. I'm sure it's very entertaining and will be loved by someone.