Friday, March 26, 2010

Review - Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos

Imaginary Jesus
BY: Matt Mikalatos
ISBN: 978-1-4143-3563-6
Pages: 225
Ages: Adults
Reviewed by Billy Burgess

“Imaginary Jesus” is about a man named Matt Mikalatos, a fictional version of the author. The first chapter opens up with Matt, a former comic book store clerk, sitting in a coffee shop with Jesus sitting across from him. A strange comes up to them and starts a fight with Jesus. The man calls himself Peter - Peter the apostle.

The imaginary Jesus runs out the coffee shop. Both Matt and Peter try to follow him, but Jesus is just too fast for them. Peter takes Matt through time on their quest to find the real Jesus, where they meet a talking donkey. Along the way, Peter shows Matt several fake/false Jesuses, including Magic 8 Ball Jesus and Liberal Social Services Jesus.

When I first saw the silly cover, I didn’t now what to except. It looked like a kid took his crayons to the cover. When I started reading the first chapter, which starts at 0, I was laughing out loud until the very end. “Imaginary Jesus” is hilarious debut novel. At times the book reminds me of the book “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” but “Imaginary Jesus” has a wonderful message hidden behind all the silly humor. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a few good laughs, and at the same time learn something new about yourself.

Note: I would like to thank the Tyndale House for sending me this complimentary copy to review.

1 comment:

  1. Billy, thanks so much for the great review. I'm glad you enjoyed the book!



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