Showing posts with label author interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author interview. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Q&A with author John J. Zelenski

With All Hallows' Eve only less than two weeks away, there's still plenty of time to read a good spooky novel. 

Author John J. Zelenski has taken time out of his busy schedule to do a Q&A about his his newest novel, the supernatural thriller The Jounral of Ezekiel Walker.

When did you become interested in storytelling?

I became interested in telling stories at an early age. As a child, I would love to have stories read to me, and I would use my imagination to create my own mental version of the book. I think that love to create my own scenes and descriptions of the characters naturally carried over to the creation of my own stories to share with others.

What was your first book/story published?

I was quite young, and it was a self-published title called, “Money for Sale.” It was a guide meant to direct people to the investment strategy of investing in baseball cards and sports memorabilia. I think I sold possibly three or four copies, but it was a lot of fun and the research was very interesting.

What inspired you to write The Journal of Ezekiel Walker?

The Journal of Ezekiel Walker is actually the prequel to Walker’s Vale, now in pre-production for a film adaptation. The Journal of Ezekiel Walker gives a background and history to the small and eerie town of Walker’s Vale, Pennsylvania. It also provides some insight into the one of the main characters, Ezekiel Walker, a most understood man.

What character in The Journal of Ezekiel Walker is the most/least like you, and in what ways?

I think that award would go to Ezekiel Walker himself in the “similar” category. He is like me in that he is loyal and will do whatever it takes to defend his friends and families from enemies. The least similar character, hopefully, is Simon Tremblestone, the main antagonist. He is insincere, corrupt, greedy, and manipulative to the furthest reaches of the moral spectrum. You might say he is the devil himself!

What is your favorite part in The Journal of Ezekiel Walker?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Interview with author Scott R. Caseley

What or whom inspired you to become a writer?

When I was in the second grade, my teacher had assigned us short stories to write as part of a new lesson plan. I became hooked right away. I wrote a tale about an elephant and his mother, then one giving human characteristics to food items, and several more. The goal was for us to write stories that we could bind with fabric covers and illustrate them ourselves. The teacher called this “publishing” them, and I think that I personally published at least ten.

What types of books do you read?

I like a good mystery, one that is character driven where the people are so dynamic that really anything is possible except the predictable. I’m reading two really great ones now, “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn and “Turn of Mind” by Alice LaPlante.

What well-known authors do you admire most?