Friday, September 16, 2022

{Book Blogger Hop}—Favorite Protagonist Characteristics 

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop!

To plan the post for next week in advance, go here for upcoming prompts. You must complete this form to submit a prompt. 


There is now a Facebook group for the Book Blogger Hop! Please join the community to connect with other book bloggers and receive the most recent Book Blogger Hop information. 

What To Do

1. Post your response to the question. 

What are your favorite characteristics of a main character?

Submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer.

2. In the linky list widget, enter your name or nickname @ Blog Name and the direct URL to your post answering this week's question. Here's an example: Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer


3. Please go to the other blogs on the list and comment on their BBH post.

{The Friday 56}—James Patterson's "Blowback"


Pick up any book.
Open your Reader to page 56 or 56%.
Look up any sentence (or more). Simply don't ruin it.
Share it.
  Visit and add your post URL to the Linky.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

[Review]—"The Peril of Barnabas Collins" by Marilyn Ross

The cursed vampire played by Jonathan Frid in the original Dark Shadows soap opera and the theatrical spinoff "retelling," House of Dark Shadows, captivated young and old audiences in the late 1960s and early 1970s. If my memory serves me properly (it's been a while since I've seen the series), Barnabas Collins was continuously looking for a cure to restore his humanity. The Dark Shadows novel series, written by William Edward Daniel Ross under the pen name Marilyn Ross (borrowing his second wife's first name), strayed away from soap opera plotlines, but with the 12th book, The Peril of Barnabas Collins, he resurrects the "cure" narrative, but with a few intriguing twists.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

[Review]—A Magnificent Thriller from Start to Finish: "Girl, Forgotten" by Karin Slaughter

Despite knowing about both, I'm probably one of the few bloggers who hasn't read Karin Slaughter's Pieces of Her or seen the Netflix series based on it. I'd never read anything by the author until I read Girl, Forgotten, the sequel to Pieces of Her. I'm curious about the book for two reasons: the title and the cover. "Girl, Forgotten," the title's two simple words, are strangely alluring. Then there's the front cover. The cover is hypnotic... and a little creepy. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Making a Home Gym

In the past couple of years, a lot of people have realized just how straightforward it can be to do activities that you used to have to leave the house for within the comfort of your own home. This is starting to become the case with the gym as building home gyms seems to be the new craze. Are you interested in building yourself a good quality home gym but aren’t sure where to start? If so, then you’re in the right place as this article is going to take you through everything that you need to know to build your very own home gym. Be sure to keep reading to get more information.

Monday, September 12, 2022

{The Midnight Horror}—"Margaux"—An Ineffective Smart House Slasher

Is it a plus or a minus that a horror film doesn't receive enough reviews to receive a TOMATOMETER rating? Margaux now has four reviews from critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Most likely, none of you are familiar with Margaux (rated R; 104 minutes). The movie premiered on Paramount+ on September 9th with almost no hype. Chris Beyroot and Nick Waters wrote the screenplay for the film, which Steven C. Miller directed. Madison Pettis, Vanessa Morgan, Lochlyn Munro, Richard Harmon, Jedidiah Goodacre, Phoebe Miu, Jordan Buhat, Brittany Mitchell, and Louis Lay are among the actors who appear in the movie.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

{Sunday Post}—The French Girl, Star Trek, and The Titanic Secret

The Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Kimberly hosts a weekly meme called "The Sunday Post"! 

Hello, fellow bloggers! 

I'm sipping a delicious cup of apple caramel coffee and listening to some vintage AC/DC music as I write this post. I decided to write my Sunday Post instead of working on my review of the horror film Margaux. After this review goes live, the Margaux review will be released at some point. 

  • Blues on your birthday: This year's birthday was a total flop. I assure you that I am not going through a midlife crisis. My spirits were low due to a minor cold. In addition, I've been overly stressed. I'm starting to feel better. (Apparently not.)

  • When does the week actually begin? Is it Sunday or Monday? I'm debating whether to start working out again today or tomorrow. I began a new exercise routine at the beginning of the year, but it was cut short by the death of my grandmother at the end of January. I haven't felt motivated to exercise since. While I do need to lose weight, my motivation for working out this time is more stress-related. (I can feel a canker sore forming as I write this. I took a three-hour nap, and I'm feeling even worse than I did on my birthday. Figures!)

  • I was looking forward to reading Stephen King's Fairy Tale, which came out this week, but none of the Walmarts in the area have it for some reason. It's disheartening. My local Walmart has a price tag on the shelf for it, and their app says it's in stock, but employees say they've never received any copies—or any other titles, for that matter. Yes, the book section is nearly empty once more. I'll double-check in a few days. If it's not in stock, I'll order it online like I always do.

  • After a month of drought, it finally rained. Wait a second... let me rephrase that. It was a light rain, probably just enough to revive the weeds I had just mowed. I wish the autumn weather would hurry up and arrive.